Nick Walker cc34e25fd5 Final steps to make Code Manager work
- Moved ssh key generation and git deploy key out of the puppetmaster
profile and into zack_r10k and code_manager
- Swapped code manager into the all_in_one role
- Made a 2015.2 all_in_one role if users prefer to use it
- Conditionally move all existing code out of environmentpath
to allow file sync to sync files
- Update the README to compliment the new puppet code
2015-12-18 09:22:44 -08:00

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Before Starting:

This control repo and the steps below are intended to be used during a new installation of PE.

This control repo has only been tested against PE2015.2.z, it's likely close to working on PE3.8.z but has not been tested.

If you intend to use it on an existing installation then be warned that if you've already written or downloaded modules when you start using r10k it will remove all of the existing modules and replace them with what you define in your Puppetfile. Please copy or move your existing modules to another directory to ensure you do not lose any work you've already started.

Setup a Trusted Fact On Your PE Master

This control repository is setup to manage certain portions of your PE installation for you if you create a trusted fact called pp_role. In order to do so, lay down a file that looks exactly like the below in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml

  #pp_role 'all_in_one_pe'

If You Have Not Installed PE

Good then you can proceed forward and the trusted fact will be used when you get to the install step.

If You Have Already Installed PE

Trusted facts are created at the time a CSR is generated. So, we need to regenerate the certificate on the master for the above trusted fact to be created.

Follow this document to regenerate the certificate on your master.

##Copy This Repo Into Your Own Git Server


  1. Install Gitlab
  1. After Gitlab is installed you may sign if with the root user and password 5iveL!fe

  2. Make an user for yourself

  3. Make an ssh key to link with your user. Youll want to do this on the machine you intend to edit code from ( most likely not your puppet master but your local workstation / laptop )

  1. Create a group called puppet ( this is case sensitive )
  1. Create a user called r10k_api_user and add them to the puppet group
  • From the landing page, select groups
  • Choose the puppet group
  • In the left hand pane, select memembers
  • Add the r10k_api_user with master permissions
  1. Add your user to the puppet group as well

  2. Create a project called control-repo and set the Namespace to be the puppet group

  3. Logout of root and login as the r10k_api_user

  • Go to profile settings -> account ( https://<your_gitlab_server>/profile/account )
  • Copy the api token
  1. Clone this control repository to your laptop/workstation
  • git clone <repository url>
  • cd control-repo
  1. git mv hieradata/nodes/example-puppet-master.yaml hieradata/nodes/<fqdn_of_your_puppet_master>.yaml
  • Open hieradata/nodes/<fqdn_of_your_puppet_master>.yaml
    • edit gms_api_token to be your api token
    • edit git_management_system to be 'gitlab'
    • edit the gms_server_url
  1. git add hieradata/nodes/<fqdn_of_your_puppet_master>.yaml

  2. git commit -m "renaming example-puppet-master.yaml"

  3. Rename my repository as the upstream remote

  • git remote rename origin upstream
  1. Add your internal repository as the origin remote
  • git remote add origin <url of your gitlab repository>
  1. Push the production branch of the repository from your machine up to your git server
  • git push origin production
  1. git branch --set-upstream-to origin/production


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

##Configure PE to Use the Control-Repo

###Install PE

  1. Download the latest version of the PE installer for your platform and copy it to your master
  1. Expand the tarball and cd into the directory
  2. Run puppet-enterprise-installer to install

If you run into any issues or have more questions about the installer you can see our docs here:

###Get the Control-Repo Deployed On Your Master

At this point you have our control-repo code deployed into your git server. However, we have one final challenge: getting that code onto your puppet master. In the end state the master will pull code from the git server via r10k, however, at this moment your puppet master doesn't have credentials to get code from the git server.

So, we'll set up a deploy key in the git server that will allow a ssh-key we make to deploy the code and configure everything else.

  1. On your puppet master, make an ssh key for r10k to connect to gitlab
  1. Create a deploy key on the control-repo project in Gitlab
  • Paste in the public key from above
  • cat /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/
  1. Login to the PE console
  2. Select Access Control in the left hand panel
  3. On the User Roles page, add a new role called Deploy Environments
  • NOTE: Make sure to name it exactly as I have because the puppet code expects that exact name
  1. After creating the role click through and select the permissions tab
  • Add Puppet Environment type, Deploy Code permission, and All object
  • Add Tokens type, override default expiry permission
  1. Still in the PE Console, navigate to the Classification page
  • Click on the PE Master group
  • Click the Classes tab
  • Add the puppet_enterprise::profile::master
    • Set the r10k_remote to the ssh url from the front page of your gitlab repo
    • Set the r10k_private_key parameter to /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/code_manager.key
  • Commit your changes
  1. Run puppet agent -t
  • Expect to see changes to r10k.yaml
  1. Run r10k deploy environment -pv
  2. Run puppet agent -t
  • Expect to see code manager enabled
  1. echo 'code_manager_mv_old_code=true' > /opt/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/code_manager_mv_old_code.txt
  2. Run puppet agent -t
  • Now you should see many more changes
  • Your code has been deployed with code manager now

Test Code Manager

Test The Zack/r10k Webhook

One of the components setup by this control-repo is that when you "push" code to your git server, the git server will inform the puppet master to run r10k deploy environment -p.

  1. Edit
  • Just add something to it
  1. git add
  2. git commit -m "edit README"
  3. git push origin production
  4. Allow the push to complete and then give it few seconds to complete
  • Open /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/ and confirm your change is present


If You Want to Install Pointing To This Repo on Github

Setting Up Gitlab

  1. Install Gitlab on a server by specifying the following trusted fact on the soon-to-be Gitlab server and then install the PE agent.
   #pp_role 'gitlab'

Setting up Github

Not yet completed.

Setting up Stash

Not yet completed.

#TODO Flush out generating an answer file and then appending extra answers onto the end of it.