# Configuration for Seafile ## Basic configuration Add the following to your `seafile/conf/ccnet.conf` file: ``` [LDAP] HOST = ldap:// BASE = ou=people,dc=example,dc=com USER_DN = uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com PASSWORD = CHANGE_ME LOGIN_ATTR = mail ``` * Replace `` with your lldap server's ip/hostname and port. * Replace every instance of `dc=example,dc=com` with your configured domain. __IMPORTANT__: Seafile requires the LOGIN_ATTR to be in an email-like format. You cannot use the uid as LOGIN_ATTR! After restarting the Seafile server, users should be able to log in with their email address and password. ## Filtering by group membership If you only want members of a specific group to be able to log in, add the following line: ``` FILTER = memberOf=cn=seafile_user,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com ``` * Replace `seafile_user` with the name of your group.