# Configuration for Gitea In Gitea, go to `Site Administration > Authentication Sources` and click `Add Authentication Source` Select `LDAP (via BindDN)` * Host: Your lldap server's ip/hostname * Port: Your lldap server's port (3890 by default) * Bind DN: `uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com` * Bind Password: Your bind user's password * User Search Base: `ou=people,dc=example,dc=com` * User Filter: If you want all users to be able to log in, use
To log in they can either use their email address or user name. If you only want members a specific group to be able to log in, in this case the group `git_user`, use
For more info on the user filter, see: https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/authentication/#ldap-via-binddn * Admin Filter: Use `(memberof=cn=lldap_admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)` if you want lldap admins to become Gitea admins. Leave empty otherwise. * Username Attribute: `uid` * Email Attribute: `mail` * Check `Enable User Synchronization` Replace every instance of `dc=example,dc=com` with your configured domain. After applying the above settings, users should be able to log in with either their user name or email address.