# Configuration for WikiJS Replace `dc=example,dc=com` with your LLDAP configured domain. ### LDAP URL ``` ldap://lldap:3890 ``` ### Admin Bind DN ``` uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` or ``` uid=readonlyuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### Admin Bind Credentials ``` ADMINPASSWORD ``` or ``` READONLYUSERPASSWORD ``` ### Search Base ``` ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### Search Filter If you wish the permitted users to be restricted to just the `wiki` group: ``` (&(memberof=cn=wiki,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)(|(uid={{username}})(mail={{username}))(objectClass=person)) ``` If you wish any of the registered LLDAP users to be permitted to use WikiJS: ``` (&(|(uid={{username}})(mail={{username}))(objectClass=person)) ``` ### Use TLS Left toggled off ### Verify TLS Certificate Left toggled off ### TLS Certificate Path Left blank ### Unique ID Field Mapping ``` uid ``` ### Email Field Mapping ``` mail ``` ### Display Name Field Mapping ``` givenname ``` ### Avatar Picture Field Mapping ``` jpegPhoto ``` ### Allow self-registration Toggled on ### Limit to specific email domains Left blank ### Assign to group I created a group called `users` and assign my LDAP users to that by default. You can use the local admin account to login and promote an LDAP user to `admin` group if you wish and then deactivate the local login option