use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use ldap3::{ResultEntry, SearchEntry}; use requestty::{prompt_one, Question}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use crate::lldap::User; pub struct LdapClient { domain: String, connection: ldap3::LdapConn, } /// Checks if the URL starts with the protocol, and whether the host is valid (DNS and listening), /// potentially with the given port. Returns the address + port that managed to connect, if any. pub fn check_host_exists( url: &str, protocol_and_port: &[(&str, u16)], ) -> std::result::Result, String> { for (protocol, port) in protocol_and_port { if url.starts_with(protocol) { use std::net::ToSocketAddrs; let trimmed_url = url.trim_start_matches(protocol); return match trimmed_url.to_socket_addrs() { Ok(_) => Ok(Some(url.to_owned())), Err(_) => { let new_url = format!("{}:{}", trimmed_url, port); new_url .to_socket_addrs() .map_err(|_| format!("Could not resolve host: '{}'", trimmed_url)) .map(|_| Some(format!("{}{}", protocol, new_url))) } }; } } Ok(None) } fn autocomplete_domain_suffix(input: String, domain: &str) -> SmallVec<[String; 1]> { let mut answers = SmallVec::<[String; 1]>::new(); for part in input.split(',') { if !part.starts_with('d') { continue; } if domain.starts_with(part) { answers.push(input.clone() + domain.trim_start_matches(part)); } } answers.push(input); answers } /// Asks the user for the URL of the LDAP server, and checks that a connection can be established. /// Returns the LDAP URL. fn get_ldap_url() -> Result { let ldap_protocols = &[("ldap://", 389), ("ldaps://", 636)]; let question = Question::input("ldap_url") .message("LDAP_URL (ldap://...)") .auto_complete(|answer, _| { let mut answers = SmallVec::<[String; 1]>::new(); if "ldap://".starts_with(&answer) { answers.push("ldap://".to_owned()); } if "ldaps://".starts_with(&answer) { answers.push("ldaps://".to_owned()); } answers.push(answer); answers }) .validate(|url, _| { if let Some(url) = check_host_exists(url, ldap_protocols)? { ldap3::LdapConn::new(&url) .map_err(|e| format!("Could not connect to LDAP server: {}", e))?; Ok(()) } else { Err("LDAP URL should start with 'ldap://' or 'ldaps://'".to_owned()) } }) .build(); let answer = prompt_one(question)?; Ok( check_host_exists(answer.as_string().unwrap(), ldap_protocols) .unwrap() .unwrap(), ) } /// Binds the LDAP connection by asking the user for the bind DN and password, and returns the bind /// DN. fn bind_ldap( ldap_connection: &mut ldap3::LdapConn, previous_binddn: Option, ) -> Result { let binddn = { let question = Question::input("ldap_binddn") .message("LDAP_BIND_DN (cn=...)") .validate(|dn, _| { if dn.contains(',') && dn.contains('=') { Ok(()) } else { Err( "Invalid bind DN, expected something like 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com'" .to_owned(), ) } }) .auto_complete(|answer, _| { let mut answers = SmallVec::<[String; 1]>::new(); if let Some(binddn) = &previous_binddn { answers.push(binddn.clone()); } answers.push(answer); answers }) .build(); let answer = prompt_one(question)?; answer.as_string().unwrap().to_owned() }; let password = { let question = Question::password("ldap_bind_password") .message("LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD") .validate(|password, _| { if !password.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err("Empty password".to_owned()) } }) .build(); let answer = prompt_one(question)?; answer.as_string().unwrap().to_owned() }; if let Err(e) = ldap_connection .simple_bind(&binddn, &password) .and_then(|r| r.success()) { println!("Error connecting as '{}': {}", binddn, e); bind_ldap(ldap_connection, Some(binddn)) } else { Ok(binddn) } } impl TryFrom for User { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(value: ResultEntry) -> Result { let entry = SearchEntry::construct(value); let get_required_attribute = |attr| { entry .attrs .get(attr) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing {} for user", attr)) .and_then(|u| { if u.len() > 1 { Err(anyhow!("Too many {}s", attr)) } else { Ok(u.first().unwrap().to_owned()) } }) }; let id = get_required_attribute("uid") .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("sAMAccountName")) .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("userPrincipalName"))?; let email = get_required_attribute("mail") .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("rfc822mailbox")) .context(format!("for user '{}'", id))?; let get_optional_attribute = |attr: &str| { entry .attrs .get(attr) .and_then(|v| v.first().map(|s| s.as_str())) .and_then(|s| { if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s.to_owned()) } }) }; let last_name = get_optional_attribute("sn").or_else(|| get_optional_attribute("surname")); let display_name = get_optional_attribute("cn") .or_else(|| get_optional_attribute("commonName")) .or_else(|| get_optional_attribute("name")) .or_else(|| get_optional_attribute("displayName")); let first_name = get_optional_attribute("givenName"); let password = get_optional_attribute("userPassword").or_else(|| get_optional_attribute("password")); Ok(User::new( id, email, display_name, first_name, last_name, password, entry.dn, )) } } enum OuType { User, Group, } fn detect_ou( ldap_connection: &mut ldap3::LdapConn, domain: &str, for_type: OuType, ) -> Result<(Option, Vec), anyhow::Error> { let ous = ldap_connection .search( domain, ldap3::Scope::Subtree, "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)", vec!["dn"], )? .success()? .0; let mut detected_ou = None; let mut all_ous = Vec::new(); for result_entry in ous { let dn = SearchEntry::construct(result_entry).dn; match for_type { OuType::User => { if dn.contains("user") || dn.contains("people") || dn.contains("person") { detected_ou = Some(dn.clone()); } } OuType::Group => { if dn.contains("group") { detected_ou = Some(dn.clone()); } } } all_ous.push(dn); } Ok((detected_ou, all_ous)) } pub fn get_users(connection: &mut LdapClient) -> Result, anyhow::Error> { let LdapClient { connection: ldap_connection, domain, } = connection; let domain = domain.as_str(); let (maybe_user_ou, all_ous) = detect_ou(ldap_connection, domain, OuType::User)?; let user_ou = { let question = Question::input("ldap_user_ou") .message(format!( "Where are the users located (under '{}')? {}(LDAP_USERS_DN)", domain, maybe_user_ou .as_ref() .map(|ou| format!("Detected: {}", ou)) .unwrap_or_default() )) .validate(|dn, _| { if dn.contains('=') { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!( "Invalid bind DN, expected something like 'ou=people,{}'", domain )) } }) .default(maybe_user_ou.unwrap_or_default()) .auto_complete(|s, _| { let mut answers = autocomplete_domain_suffix(s, domain); answers.extend(all_ous.clone().into_iter()); answers }) .build(); let answer = prompt_one(question)?; let mut answer = answer.as_string().unwrap().to_owned(); if !answer.ends_with(domain) { if !answer.is_empty() { answer += ","; } answer += domain; } answer }; let users = ldap_connection .search( &user_ou, ldap3::Scope::Subtree, "(|(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=person)(objectClass=mailAccount)(objectClass=posixAccount)(objectClass=user)(objectClass=organizationalPerson))", vec![ "uid", "sAMAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "mail", "rfc822mailbox", "givenName", "sn", "surname", "cn", "commonName", "displayName", "name", "userPassword", ], )? .success()? .0; users .into_iter() .map(TryFrom::try_from) .collect::>>() } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LdapGroup { pub name: String, pub members: Vec, } impl TryFrom for LdapGroup { type Error = anyhow::Error; // #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn try_from(value: ResultEntry) -> Result { let entry = SearchEntry::construct(value); let get_required_attribute = |attr| { entry .attrs .get(attr) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing {} for user", attr)) .and_then(|u| { if u.len() > 1 { Err(anyhow!("Too many {}s", attr)) } else { Ok(u.first().unwrap().to_owned()) } }) }; let name = get_required_attribute("cn") .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("commonName")) .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("displayName")) .or_else(|_| get_required_attribute("name"))?; let get_repeated_attribute = |attr: &str| entry.attrs.get(attr).map(|v| v.to_owned()); let members = get_repeated_attribute("member") .or_else(|| get_repeated_attribute("uniqueMember")) .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(LdapGroup { name, members }) } } pub fn get_groups(connection: &mut LdapClient) -> Result> { let LdapClient { connection: ldap_connection, domain, } = connection; let domain = domain.as_str(); let (maybe_group_ou, all_ous) = detect_ou(ldap_connection, domain, OuType::Group)?; let group_ou = { let question = Question::input("ldap_group_ou") .message(format!( "Where are the groups located (under '{}')? {}(LDAP_GROUPS_DN)", domain, maybe_group_ou .as_ref() .map(|ou| format!("Detected: {}", ou)) .unwrap_or_default() )) .validate(|dn, _| { if dn.contains('=') { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!( "Invalid bind DN, expected something like 'ou=groups,{}'", domain )) } }) .default(maybe_group_ou.unwrap_or_default()) .auto_complete(|s, _| { let mut answers = autocomplete_domain_suffix(s, domain); answers.extend(all_ous.clone().into_iter()); answers }) .build(); let answer = prompt_one(question)?; let mut answer = answer.as_string().unwrap().to_owned(); if !answer.ends_with(domain) { if !answer.is_empty() { answer += ","; } answer += domain; } answer }; let groups = ldap_connection .search( &group_ou, ldap3::Scope::Subtree, "(|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=groupOfNames)(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames))", vec![ "cn", "commonName", "displayName", "name", "member", "uniqueMember", ], )? .success()? .0; let input_groups = groups .into_iter() .map(TryFrom::try_from) .collect::>>()?; Ok(input_groups) } pub fn get_ldap_connection() -> Result { let url = get_ldap_url()?; let mut ldap_connection = ldap3::LdapConn::new(&url)?; println!("Server found"); let bind_dn = bind_ldap(&mut ldap_connection, None)?; println!("Connection established"); let domain = &bind_dn[(bind_dn.find(",dc=").expect("Could not find domain?!") + 1)..]; // domain is 'dc=example,dc=com' Ok(LdapClient { connection: ldap_connection, domain: domain.to_owned(), }) }