# Build image FROM rust:alpine3.14 AS chef RUN set -x \ # Add user && addgroup --gid 10001 app \ && adduser --disabled-password \ --gecos '' \ --ingroup app \ --home /app \ --uid 10001 \ app \ # Install required packages && apk add npm openssl-dev musl-dev make perl curl USER app WORKDIR /app RUN set -x \ # Install build tools && RUSTFLAGS=-Ctarget-feature=-crt-static cargo install wasm-pack cargo-chef \ && npm install rollup \ && rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown # Prepare the dependency list. FROM chef AS planner COPY . . RUN cargo chef prepare --recipe-path /tmp/recipe.json # Build dependencies. FROM chef AS builder COPY --from=planner /tmp/recipe.json recipe.json RUN cargo chef cook --release -p lldap_app --target wasm32-unknown-unknown \ && cargo chef cook --release -p lldap # Copy the source and build the app and server. COPY --chown=app:app . . RUN cargo build --release -p lldap \ # Build the frontend. && ./app/build.sh # Final image FROM alpine:3.14 RUN set -x \ # Add user && addgroup --gid 10001 app \ && adduser --disabled-password \ --gecos '' \ --ingroup app \ --home /app \ --uid 10001 \ app \ # Create the /data folder && mkdir /data && chown app:app /data \ && apk add --no-cache bash USER app WORKDIR /app COPY --chown=app:app --from=builder /app/app/index.html /app/app/main.js /app/app/style.css app/ COPY --chown=app:app --from=builder /app/app/pkg app/pkg COPY --chown=app:app --from=builder /app/target/release/lldap lldap COPY docker-entrypoint.sh . ENV LDAP_PORT=3890 ENV HTTP_PORT=17170 EXPOSE ${LDAP_PORT} ${HTTP_PORT} ENTRYPOINT ["/app/docker-entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["run", "--config-file", "/data/lldap_config.toml"]