# Configuration for SUSE Rancher (any version) ### Left (hamburger) menu > Users & Authentication > OpenLDAP (yes, we are using the OpenLDAP config page) --- ## LDAP configuration #### Hostname/IP ``` ip-address, DNS name or when running in Kubernetes (see https://github.com/Evantage-WS/lldap-kubernetes), lldap-service.lldap.svc.cluster.local ``` #### Port ``` 3890 ``` #### Service Account Distinguished name A better option is to use a readonly account for accessing the LLDAP server ``` cn=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` #### Service Account Password ``` xxx ``` #### User Search Base ``` ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` #### Group Search Base ``` ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com ``` #### Object Class (users) ``` inetOrgPerson ``` #### Object Class (groups) ``` groupOfUniqueNames ``` #### Username Attribute ``` uid ``` #### Name Attribute ``` cn ``` #### Login Attribute ``` uid ``` #### Group Member User Attribute ``` dn ``` #### User Member Attribute ``` memberOf ``` #### Search Attribute (groups) ``` cn ``` #### Search Attribute (users) ``` uid|sn|givenName ``` #### Group Member Mapping Attribute ``` member ``` #### Group DN Attribute ``` dn ``` ##### Choose "Search direct and nested group memberships" ##### Fill in the username and password of an admin user at Test and Enable Authentication and hit save ## Rancher OpenLDAP config page ![Rancher OpenLDAP config page](images/rancher_ldap_config.png)