use crate::{ cookies::get_cookie, create_user::CreateUserForm, login::LoginForm, logout::LogoutButton, user_details::UserDetails, user_table::UserTable, }; use yew::prelude::*; use yew::services::ConsoleService; use yew_router::{ agent::{RouteAgentDispatcher, RouteRequest}, components::RouterAnchor, route::Route, router::Router, service::RouteService, Switch, }; pub struct App { link: ComponentLink, user_info: Option<(String, bool)>, redirect_to: Option, route_dispatcher: RouteAgentDispatcher, } pub enum Msg { Login((String, bool)), Logout, } #[derive(Switch, Debug, Clone)] pub enum AppRoute { #[to = "/login"] Login, #[to = "/users"] ListUsers, #[to = "/create_user"] CreateUser, #[to = "/details/{user_id}"] UserDetails(String), #[to = "/"] Index, } type Link = RouterAnchor; impl Component for App { type Message = Msg; type Properties = (); fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink) -> Self { let mut app = Self { link, user_info: get_cookie("user_id") .unwrap_or_else(|e| { ConsoleService::error(&e.to_string()); None }) .and_then(|u| { get_cookie("is_admin") .map(|so||s| (u, s == "true"))) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { ConsoleService::error(&e.to_string()); None }) }), redirect_to: Self::get_redirect_route(), route_dispatcher: RouteAgentDispatcher::new(), }; app.apply_initial_redirections(); app } fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { match msg { Msg::Login((user_name, is_admin)) => { self.user_info = Some((user_name.clone(), is_admin)); let user_route = "/details/".to_string() + &user_name; self.route_dispatcher .send(RouteRequest::ChangeRoute(Route::new_no_state( self.redirect_to.as_deref().unwrap_or_else(|| { if is_admin { "/users" } else { &user_route } }), ))); } Msg::Logout => { self.user_info = None; } } if self.user_info.is_none() { self.route_dispatcher .send(RouteRequest::ReplaceRoute(Route::new_no_state("/login"))); } true } fn change(&mut self, _: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { false } fn view(&self) -> Html { let link =; html! {

{ "LLDAP" }

render = Router::render(move |switch: AppRoute| { match switch { AppRoute::Login => html! { }, AppRoute::CreateUser => html! {
}, AppRoute::Index | AppRoute::ListUsers => html! {
{"Create a user"}
}, AppRoute::UserDetails(username) => html! {
}, } }) />
} } } impl App { fn get_redirect_route() -> Option { let route_service = RouteService::<()>::new(); let current_route = route_service.get_path(); if current_route.is_empty() || current_route.contains("login") { None } else { Some(current_route) } } fn apply_initial_redirections(&mut self) { match &self.user_info { None => { ConsoleService::info("Redirecting to login"); self.route_dispatcher .send(RouteRequest::ReplaceRoute(Route::new_no_state("/login"))); } Some((user_name, is_admin)) => match &self.redirect_to { Some(url) => { ConsoleService::info(&format!("Redirecting to specified url: {}", url)); self.route_dispatcher .send(RouteRequest::ReplaceRoute(Route::new_no_state(url))); } None => { if *is_admin { ConsoleService::info("Redirecting to user list"); self.route_dispatcher .send(RouteRequest::ReplaceRoute(Route::new_no_state("/users"))); } else { ConsoleService::info("Redirecting to user view"); self.route_dispatcher.send(RouteRequest::ReplaceRoute( Route::new_no_state(&("/details/".to_string() + user_name)), )); } } }, } } }