use crate::domain::handler::{ BackendHandler, BindRequest, Group, GroupIdAndName, LoginHandler, RequestFilter, User, }; use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use futures_util::TryStreamExt; use ldap3_server::proto::{ LdapBindCred, LdapBindRequest, LdapBindResponse, LdapExtendedResponse, LdapFilter, LdapOp, LdapPartialAttribute, LdapResult, LdapResultCode, LdapSearchRequest, LdapSearchResultEntry, }; use log::*; fn make_dn_pair(mut iter: I) -> Result<(String, String)> where I: Iterator, { let pair = ( .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Empty DN element"))?, .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Missing DN value"))?, ); if let Some(e) = { bail!( r#"Too many elements in distinguished name: "{:?}", "{:?}", "{:?}""#, pair.0, pair.1, e ) } Ok(pair) } fn parse_distinguished_name(dn: &str) -> Result> { dn.split(',') .map(|s| make_dn_pair(s.split('=').map(String::from))) .collect() } fn get_group_id_from_distinguished_name( dn: &str, base_tree: &[(String, String)], base_dn_str: &str, ) -> Result { let parts = parse_distinguished_name(dn)?; if !is_subtree(&parts, base_tree) { bail!("Not a subtree of the base tree"); } if parts.len() == base_tree.len() + 2 { if parts[1].0 != "ou" || parts[1].1 != "groups" || parts[0].0 != "cn" { bail!( r#"Unexpected group DN format. Got "{}", expected: "cn=groupname,ou=groups,{}""#, dn, base_dn_str ); } Ok(parts[0].1.to_string()) } else { bail!( r#"Unexpected group DN format. Got "{}", expected: "cn=groupname,ou=groups,{}""#, dn, base_dn_str ); } } fn get_user_id_from_distinguished_name( dn: &str, base_tree: &[(String, String)], base_dn_str: &str, ) -> Result { let parts = parse_distinguished_name(dn)?; if !is_subtree(&parts, base_tree) { bail!("Not a subtree of the base tree"); } if parts.len() == base_tree.len() + 2 { if parts[1].0 != "ou" || parts[1].1 != "people" || parts[0].0 != "cn" { bail!( r#"Unexpected user DN format. Got "{}", expected: "cn=username,ou=people,{}""#, dn, base_dn_str ); } Ok(parts[0].1.to_string()) } else { bail!( r#"Unexpected user DN format. Got "{}", expected: "cn=username,ou=people,{}""#, dn, base_dn_str ); } } fn get_user_attribute(user: &User, attribute: &str, dn: &str) -> Result> { match attribute { "objectClass" => Ok(vec![ "inetOrgPerson".to_string(), "posixAccount".to_string(), "mailAccount".to_string(), "person".to_string(), ]), "dn" => Ok(vec![dn.to_string()]), "uid" => Ok(vec![user.user_id.clone()]), "mail" => Ok(vec![]), "givenName" => Ok(vec![user.first_name.clone()]), "sn" => Ok(vec![user.last_name.clone()]), "cn" => Ok(vec![user.display_name.clone()]), "displayName" => Ok(vec![user.display_name.clone()]), "supportedExtension" => Ok(vec![]), _ => bail!("Unsupported user attribute: {}", attribute), } } fn make_ldap_search_user_result_entry( user: User, base_dn_str: &str, attributes: &[String], ) -> Result { let dn = format!("cn={},ou=people,{}", user.user_id, base_dn_str); Ok(LdapSearchResultEntry { dn: dn.clone(), attributes: attributes .iter() .map(|a| { Ok(LdapPartialAttribute { atype: a.to_string(), vals: get_user_attribute(&user, a, &dn)?, }) }) .collect::>>()?, }) } fn get_group_attribute(group: &Group, base_dn_str: &str, attribute: &str) -> Result> { match attribute { "objectClass" => Ok(vec!["groupOfUniqueNames".to_string()]), "cn" => Ok(vec![group.display_name.clone()]), "uniqueMember" => Ok(group .users .iter() .map(|u| format!("cn={},ou=people,{}", u, base_dn_str)) .collect()), "supportedExtension" => Ok(vec![]), _ => bail!("Unsupported group attribute: {}", attribute), } } fn make_ldap_search_group_result_entry( group: Group, base_dn_str: &str, attributes: &[String], ) -> Result { Ok(LdapSearchResultEntry { dn: format!("cn={},ou=groups,{}", group.display_name, base_dn_str), attributes: attributes .iter() .map(|a| { Ok(LdapPartialAttribute { atype: a.to_string(), vals: get_group_attribute(&group, base_dn_str, a)?, }) }) .collect::>>()?, }) } fn is_subtree(subtree: &[(String, String)], base_tree: &[(String, String)]) -> bool { if subtree.len() < base_tree.len() { return false; } let size_diff = subtree.len() - base_tree.len(); for i in 0..base_tree.len() { if subtree[size_diff + i] != base_tree[i] { return false; } } true } fn map_field(field: &str) -> Result { Ok(if field == "uid" { "user_id".to_string() } else if field == "mail" { "email".to_string() } else if field == "cn" || field == "displayName" { "display_name".to_string() } else if field == "givenName" { "first_name".to_string() } else if field == "sn" { "last_name".to_string() } else if field == "avatar" { "avatar".to_string() } else if field == "creationDate" { "creation_date".to_string() } else { bail!("Unknown field: {}", field); }) } fn make_search_success() -> LdapOp { make_search_error(LdapResultCode::Success, "".to_string()) } fn make_search_error(code: LdapResultCode, message: String) -> LdapOp { LdapOp::SearchResultDone(LdapResult { code, matcheddn: "".to_string(), message, referral: vec![], }) } pub struct LdapHandler { dn: String, backend_handler: Backend, pub base_dn: Vec<(String, String)>, base_dn_str: String, ldap_user_dn: String, } impl LdapHandler { pub fn new(backend_handler: Backend, ldap_base_dn: String, ldap_user_dn: String) -> Self { Self { dn: "Unauthenticated".to_string(), backend_handler, base_dn: parse_distinguished_name(&ldap_base_dn).unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Invalid value for ldap_base_dn in configuration: {}", ldap_base_dn ) }), ldap_user_dn: format!("cn={},ou=people,{}", ldap_user_dn, &ldap_base_dn), base_dn_str: ldap_base_dn, } } pub async fn do_bind(&mut self, request: &LdapBindRequest) -> (LdapResultCode, String) { info!(r#"Received bind request for "{}""#, &request.dn); let user_id = match get_user_id_from_distinguished_name( &request.dn, &self.base_dn, &self.base_dn_str, ) { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => return (LdapResultCode::NamingViolation, e.to_string()), }; let LdapBindCred::Simple(password) = &request.cred; match self .backend_handler .bind(BindRequest { name: user_id, password: password.clone(), }) .await { Ok(()) => { self.dn = request.dn.clone(); (LdapResultCode::Success, "".to_string()) } Err(_) => (LdapResultCode::InvalidCredentials, "".to_string()), } } pub async fn do_search(&mut self, request: &LdapSearchRequest) -> Vec { info!( "Received search request with filters: {:?}", &request.filter ); if self.dn != self.ldap_user_dn { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::InsufficentAccessRights, format!( r#"Current user `{}` is not allowed to query LDAP, expected {}"#, &self.dn, &self.ldap_user_dn ), )]; } let dn_parts = if request.base.is_empty() { self.base_dn.clone() } else { match parse_distinguished_name(&request.base) { Ok(dn) => dn, Err(_) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::OperationsError, format!(r#"Could not parse base DN: "{}""#, request.base), )] } } }; if !is_subtree(&dn_parts, &self.base_dn) { // Search path is not in our tree, just return an empty success. return vec![make_search_success()]; } let mut results = Vec::new(); if dn_parts.len() == self.base_dn.len() || (dn_parts.len() == self.base_dn.len() + 1 && dn_parts[0] == ("ou".to_string(), "people".to_string())) { results.extend(self.get_user_list(request).await); } if dn_parts.len() == self.base_dn.len() + 1 && dn_parts[0] == ("ou".to_string(), "groups".to_string()) { results.extend(self.get_groups_list(request).await); } results } async fn get_user_list(&self, request: &LdapSearchRequest) -> Vec { let filters = match self.convert_user_filter(&request.filter) { Ok(f) => Some(f), Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::UnwillingToPerform, format!("Unsupported user filter: {}", e), )] } }; let users = match self.backend_handler.list_users(filters).await { Ok(users) => users, Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::Other, format!(r#"Error during searching user "{}": {}"#, request.base, e), )] } }; users .into_iter() .map(|u| make_ldap_search_user_result_entry(u, &self.base_dn_str, &request.attrs)) .map(|entry| Ok(LdapOp::SearchResultEntry(entry?))) // If the processing succeeds, add a success message at the end. .chain(std::iter::once(Ok(make_search_success()))) .collect::>>() .unwrap_or_else(|e| { vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::NoSuchAttribute, e.to_string(), )] }) } async fn get_groups_list(&self, request: &LdapSearchRequest) -> Vec { let for_user = match self.get_group_filter(&request.filter) { Ok(u) => u, Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::UnwillingToPerform, format!("Unsupported group filter: {}", e), )] } }; async fn get_users_for_group( backend_handler: &Backend, g: &GroupIdAndName, ) -> Result { let users = backend_handler .list_users(Some(RequestFilter::MemberOfId(g.0))) .await?; Ok(Group { id: g.0, display_name: g.1.clone(), users: users.into_iter().map(|u| u.user_id).collect(), }) } let groups: Vec = if let Some(user) = for_user { let groups_without_users = match self.backend_handler.get_user_groups(&user).await { Ok(groups) => groups, Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::Other, format!( r#"Error while listing user groups: "{}": {}"#, request.base, e ), )] } }; match tokio_stream::iter(groups_without_users.iter()) .then(|g| async move { get_users_for_group::(&self.backend_handler, g).await }) .try_collect::>() .await { Ok(groups) => groups, Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::Other, format!(r#"Error while listing user groups: "{}": {}"#, request.base, e), )] } } } else { match self.backend_handler.list_groups().await { Ok(groups) => groups, Err(e) => { return vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::Other, format!(r#"Error while listing groups "{}": {}"#, request.base, e), )] } } }; groups .into_iter() .map(|u| make_ldap_search_group_result_entry(u, &self.base_dn_str, &request.attrs)) .map(|entry| Ok(LdapOp::SearchResultEntry(entry?))) // If the processing succeeds, add a success message at the end. .chain(std::iter::once(Ok(make_search_success()))) .collect::>>() .unwrap_or_else(|e| { vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::NoSuchAttribute, e.to_string(), )] }) } pub async fn handle_ldap_message(&mut self, ldap_op: LdapOp) -> Option> { Some(match ldap_op { LdapOp::BindRequest(request) => { let (code, message) = self.do_bind(&request).await; vec![LdapOp::BindResponse(LdapBindResponse { res: LdapResult { code, matcheddn: "".to_string(), message, referral: vec![], }, saslcreds: None, })] } LdapOp::SearchRequest(request) => self.do_search(&request).await, LdapOp::UnbindRequest => { self.dn = "Unauthenticated".to_string(); // No need to notify on unbind (per rfc4511) return None; } op => vec![LdapOp::ExtendedResponse(LdapExtendedResponse { res: LdapResult { code: LdapResultCode::UnwillingToPerform, matcheddn: "".to_string(), message: format!("Unsupported operation: {:#?}", op), referral: vec![], }, name: None, value: None, })], }) } fn get_group_filter(&self, filter: &LdapFilter) -> Result> { match filter { LdapFilter::Equality(field, value) => { if field == "member" || field == "uniqueMember" { let user_name = get_user_id_from_distinguished_name( value, &self.base_dn, &self.base_dn_str, )?; Ok(Some(user_name)) } else if field == "objectClass" && value == "groupOfUniqueNames" { Ok(None) } else { bail!("Unsupported group filter: {:?}", filter) } } _ => bail!("Unsupported group filter: {:?}", filter), } } fn convert_user_filter(&self, filter: &LdapFilter) -> Result { match filter { LdapFilter::And(filters) => Ok(RequestFilter::And( filters .iter() .map(|f| self.convert_user_filter(f)) .collect::>()?, )), LdapFilter::Or(filters) => Ok(RequestFilter::Or( filters .iter() .map(|f| self.convert_user_filter(f)) .collect::>()?, )), LdapFilter::Not(filter) => Ok(RequestFilter::Not(Box::new( self.convert_user_filter(&*filter)?, ))), LdapFilter::Equality(field, value) => { if field == "memberOf" { let group_name = get_group_id_from_distinguished_name( value, &self.base_dn, &self.base_dn_str, )?; Ok(RequestFilter::MemberOf(group_name)) } else if field == "objectClass" { if value == "person" || value == "inetOrgPerson" || value == "posixAccount" || value == "mailAccount" { Ok(RequestFilter::And(vec![])) } else { Ok(RequestFilter::Not(Box::new(RequestFilter::And(vec![])))) } } else { Ok(RequestFilter::Equality(map_field(field)?, value.clone())) } } LdapFilter::Present(field) => { // Check that it's a field we support. if field == "objectClass" || map_field(field).is_ok() { Ok(RequestFilter::And(vec![])) } else { Ok(RequestFilter::Not(Box::new(RequestFilter::And(vec![])))) } } _ => bail!("Unsupported user filter: {:?}", filter), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::domain::handler::{BindRequest, MockTestBackendHandler}; use ldap3_server::proto::{LdapDerefAliases, LdapSearchScope}; use mockall::predicate::eq; use tokio; fn make_search_request>( filter: LdapFilter, attrs: Vec, ) -> LdapSearchRequest { LdapSearchRequest { base: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), scope: LdapSearchScope::Base, aliases: LdapDerefAliases::Never, sizelimit: 0, timelimit: 0, typesonly: false, filter, attrs: attrs.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), } } async fn setup_bound_handler( mut mock: MockTestBackendHandler, ) -> LdapHandler { mock.expect_bind() .with(eq(BindRequest { name: "test".to_string(), password: "pass".to_string(), })) .return_once(|_| Ok(())); let mut ldap_handler = LdapHandler::new(mock, "dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), "test".to_string()); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::Success ); ldap_handler } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bind() { let mut mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); mock.expect_bind() .with(eq(crate::domain::handler::BindRequest { name: "bob".to_string(), password: "pass".to_string(), })) .times(1) .return_once(|_| Ok(())); let mut ldap_handler = LdapHandler::new(mock, "dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), "test".to_string()); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::Success ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_admin_bind() { let mut mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); mock.expect_bind() .with(eq(crate::domain::handler::BindRequest { name: "test".to_string(), password: "pass".to_string(), })) .times(1) .return_once(|_| Ok(())); let mut ldap_handler = LdapHandler::new(mock, "dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), "test".to_string()); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::Success ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bind_invalid_credentials() { let mut mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); mock.expect_bind() .with(eq(crate::domain::handler::BindRequest { name: "test".to_string(), password: "pass".to_string(), })) .times(1) .return_once(|_| Ok(())); let mut ldap_handler = LdapHandler::new(mock, "dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), "admin".to_string()); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::Success ); let request = make_search_request::(LdapFilter::And(vec![]), vec![]); assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_search(&request).await, vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::InsufficentAccessRights, r#"Current user `cn=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com` is not allowed to query LDAP, expected cn=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"#.to_string() )] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bind_invalid_dn() { let mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); let mut ldap_handler = LdapHandler::new(mock, "dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), "admin".to_string()); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=bob,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::NamingViolation, ); let request = LdapBindRequest { dn: "cn=bob,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), cred: LdapBindCred::Simple("pass".to_string()), }; assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_bind(&request).await.0, LdapResultCode::NamingViolation, ); } #[test] fn test_is_subtree() { let subtree1 = &[ ("ou".to_string(), "people".to_string()), ("dc".to_string(), "example".to_string()), ("dc".to_string(), "com".to_string()), ]; let root = &[ ("dc".to_string(), "example".to_string()), ("dc".to_string(), "com".to_string()), ]; assert!(is_subtree(subtree1, root)); assert!(!is_subtree(&[], root)); } #[test] fn test_parse_distinguished_name() { let parsed_dn = &[ ("ou".to_string(), "people".to_string()), ("dc".to_string(), "example".to_string()), ("dc".to_string(), "com".to_string()), ]; assert_eq!( parse_distinguished_name("ou=people,dc=example,dc=com").expect("parsing failed"), parsed_dn ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_search() { let mut mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); mock.expect_list_users().times(1).return_once(|_| { Ok(vec![ User { user_id: "bob_1".to_string(), email: "bob@bobmail.bob".to_string(), display_name: "Bôb Böbberson".to_string(), first_name: "Bôb".to_string(), last_name: "Böbberson".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, User { user_id: "jim".to_string(), email: "jim@cricket.jim".to_string(), display_name: "Jimminy Cricket".to_string(), first_name: "Jim".to_string(), last_name: "Cricket".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, ]) }); let mut ldap_handler = setup_bound_handler(mock).await; let request = make_search_request( LdapFilter::And(vec![]), vec!["objectClass", "dn", "uid", "mail", "givenName", "sn", "cn"], ); assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_search(&request).await, vec![ LdapOp::SearchResultEntry(LdapSearchResultEntry { dn: "cn=bob_1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), attributes: vec![ LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "objectClass".to_string(), vals: vec![ "inetOrgPerson".to_string(), "posixAccount".to_string(), "mailAccount".to_string(), "person".to_string() ] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "dn".to_string(), vals: vec!["cn=bob_1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "uid".to_string(), vals: vec!["bob_1".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "mail".to_string(), vals: vec!["bob@bobmail.bob".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "givenName".to_string(), vals: vec!["Bôb".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "sn".to_string(), vals: vec!["Böbberson".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "cn".to_string(), vals: vec!["Bôb Böbberson".to_string()] } ], }), LdapOp::SearchResultEntry(LdapSearchResultEntry { dn: "cn=jim,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string(), attributes: vec![ LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "objectClass".to_string(), vals: vec![ "inetOrgPerson".to_string(), "posixAccount".to_string(), "mailAccount".to_string(), "person".to_string() ] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "dn".to_string(), vals: vec!["cn=jim,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "uid".to_string(), vals: vec!["jim".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "mail".to_string(), vals: vec!["jim@cricket.jim".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "givenName".to_string(), vals: vec!["Jim".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "sn".to_string(), vals: vec!["Cricket".to_string()] }, LdapPartialAttribute { atype: "cn".to_string(), vals: vec!["Jimminy Cricket".to_string()] } ], }), make_search_success(), ] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_search_filters() { let mut mock = MockTestBackendHandler::new(); mock.expect_list_users() .with(eq(Some(RequestFilter::And(vec![RequestFilter::Or(vec![ RequestFilter::Not(Box::new(RequestFilter::Equality( "user_id".to_string(), "bob".to_string(), ))), ])])))) .times(1) .return_once(|_| Ok(vec![])); let mut ldap_handler = setup_bound_handler(mock).await; let request = make_search_request( LdapFilter::And(vec![LdapFilter::Or(vec![LdapFilter::Not(Box::new( LdapFilter::Equality("uid".to_string(), "bob".to_string()), ))])]), vec!["objectClass"], ); assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_search(&request).await, vec![make_search_success()] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_search_unsupported_filters() { let mut ldap_handler = setup_bound_handler(MockTestBackendHandler::new()).await; let request = make_search_request( LdapFilter::Substring( "uid".to_string(), ldap3_server::proto::LdapSubstringFilter::default(), ), vec!["objectClass"], ); assert_eq!( ldap_handler.do_search(&request).await, vec![make_search_error( LdapResultCode::UnwillingToPerform, "Unsupported user filter: Unsupported user filter: Substring(\"uid\", LdapSubstringFilter { initial: None, any: [], final_: None })".to_string() )] ); } }