######################### # # # Required settings # # # ######################### # This is a list of valid fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) for the NetBox server. NetBox will not permit write # access to the server via any other hostnames. The first FQDN in the list will be treated as the preferred name. # # Example: ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['netbox.example.com', 'netbox.internal.local'] ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['{{ALLOWED_HOST}}'] # PostgreSQL database configuration. See the Django documentation for a complete list of available parameters: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#databases DATABASE = { 'NAME': '{{DB_NAME}}', # Database name 'USER': '{{DB_USER}}', # PostgreSQL username 'PASSWORD': '{{DB_PASSWORD}}', # PostgreSQL password 'HOST': '{{DB_HOST}}', # Database server 'PORT': '{{DB_PORT}}', # Database port (leave blank for default) 'CONN_MAX_AGE': 300, # Max database connection age } # Redis database settings. Redis is used for caching and for queuing background tasks such as webhook events. A separate # configuration exists for each. Full connection details are required in both sections, and it is strongly recommended # to use two separate database IDs. REDIS = { 'tasks': { 'HOST': '{{REDIS_HOST}}', 'PORT': {{REDIS_PORT}}, # Comment out `HOST` and `PORT` lines and uncomment the following if using Redis Sentinel # 'SENTINELS': [('mysentinel.redis.example.com', 6379)], # 'SENTINEL_SERVICE': 'netbox', 'PASSWORD': '{{REDIS_PASSWORD}}', 'DATABASE': {{REDIS_DB_TASK}}, 'SSL': False, # Set this to True to skip TLS certificate verification # This can expose the connection to attacks, be careful # 'INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY': False, }, 'caching': { 'HOST': '{{REDIS_HOST}}', 'PORT': {{REDIS_PORT}}, # Comment out `HOST` and `PORT` lines and uncomment the following if using Redis Sentinel # 'SENTINELS': [('mysentinel.redis.example.com', 6379)], # 'SENTINEL_SERVICE': 'netbox', 'PASSWORD': '{{REDIS_PASSWORD}}', 'DATABASE': {{REDIS_DB_CACHE}}, 'SSL': False, # Set this to True to skip TLS certificate verification # This can expose the connection to attacks, be careful # 'INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY': False, } } # This key is used for secure generation of random numbers and strings. It must never be exposed outside of this file. # For optimal security, SECRET_KEY should be at least 50 characters in length and contain a mix of letters, numbers, and # symbols. NetBox will not run without this defined. For more information, see # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY SECRET_KEY = '{{SECRET_KEY}}' ######################### # # # Optional settings # # # ######################### # Specify one or more name and email address tuples representing NetBox administrators. These people will be notified of # application errors (assuming correct email settings are provided). ADMINS = [ # ('John Doe', 'jdoe@example.com'), ] # URL schemes that are allowed within links in NetBox ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES = ( 'file', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'mailto', 'sftp', 'ssh', 'tel', 'telnet', 'tftp', 'vnc', 'xmpp', ) # Optionally display a persistent banner at the top and/or bottom of every page. HTML is allowed. To display the same # content in both banners, define BANNER_TOP and set BANNER_BOTTOM = BANNER_TOP. BANNER_TOP = '' BANNER_BOTTOM = '' # Text to include on the login page above the login form. HTML is allowed. BANNER_LOGIN = '' # Base URL path if accessing NetBox within a directory. For example, if installed at https://example.com/netbox/, set: # BASE_PATH = 'netbox/' BASE_PATH = '{{BASE_PATH}}' # Maximum number of days to retain logged changes. Set to 0 to retain changes indefinitely. (Default: 90) CHANGELOG_RETENTION = 90 # API Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings. If CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL is set to True, all origins will be # allowed. Otherwise, define a list of allowed origins using either CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST or # CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX_WHITELIST. For more information, see https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = False CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [ # 'https://hostname.example.com', ] CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX_WHITELIST = [ # r'^(https?://)?(\w+\.)?example\.com$', ] # Specify any custom validators here, as a mapping of model to a list of validators classes. Validators should be # instances of or inherit from CustomValidator. # from extras.validators import CustomValidator CUSTOM_VALIDATORS = { # 'dcim.site': [ # CustomValidator({ # 'name': { # 'min_length': 10, # 'regex': r'\d{3}$', # } # }) # ], } # Set to True to enable server debugging. WARNING: Debugging introduces a substantial performance penalty and may reveal # sensitive information about your installation. Only enable debugging while performing testing. Never enable debugging # on a production system. DEBUG = False # Email settings EMAIL = { 'SERVER': 'localhost', 'PORT': 25, 'USERNAME': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'USE_SSL': False, 'USE_TLS': False, 'TIMEOUT': 10, # seconds 'FROM_EMAIL': '', } # Enforcement of unique IP space can be toggled on a per-VRF basis. To enforce unique IP space within the global table # (all prefixes and IP addresses not assigned to a VRF), set ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE to True. ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE = False # Exempt certain models from the enforcement of view permissions. Models listed here will be viewable by all users and # by anonymous users. List models in the form `.`. Add '*' to this list to exempt all models. EXEMPT_VIEW_PERMISSIONS = [ # 'dcim.site', # 'dcim.region', # 'ipam.prefix', ] # Enable the GraphQL API GRAPHQL_ENABLED = True # HTTP proxies NetBox should use when sending outbound HTTP requests (e.g. for webhooks). # HTTP_PROXIES = { # 'http': '', # 'https': '', # } # IP addresses recognized as internal to the system. The debugging toolbar will be available only to clients accessing # NetBox from an internal IP. INTERNAL_IPS = ('', '::1') # Enable custom logging. Please see the Django documentation for detailed guidance on configuring custom logs: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/logging/ LOGGING = {} # Automatically reset the lifetime of a valid session upon each authenticated request. Enables users to remain # authenticated to NetBox indefinitely. LOGIN_PERSISTENCE = False # Setting this to True will permit only authenticated users to access any part of NetBox. By default, anonymous users # are permitted to access most data in NetBox but not make any changes. LOGIN_REQUIRED = False # The length of time (in seconds) for which a user will remain logged into the web UI before being prompted to # re-authenticate. (Default: 1209600 [14 days]) LOGIN_TIMEOUT = None # Setting this to True will display a "maintenance mode" banner at the top of every page. MAINTENANCE_MODE = False # The URL to use when mapping physical addresses or GPS coordinates MAPS_URL = 'https://maps.google.com/?q=' # An API consumer can request an arbitrary number of objects =by appending the "limit" parameter to the URL (e.g. # "?limit=1000"). This setting defines the maximum limit. Setting it to 0 or None will allow an API consumer to request # all objects by specifying "?limit=0". MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 1000 # The file path where uploaded media such as image attachments are stored. A trailing slash is not needed. Note that # the default value of this setting is derived from the installed location. # MEDIA_ROOT = '/opt/netbox/netbox/media' # By default uploaded media is stored on the local filesystem. Using Django-storages is also supported. Provide the # class path of the storage driver in STORAGE_BACKEND and any configuration options in STORAGE_CONFIG. For example: # STORAGE_BACKEND = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage' # STORAGE_CONFIG = { # 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': 'Key ID', # 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': 'Secret', # 'AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME': 'netbox', # 'AWS_S3_REGION_NAME': 'eu-west-1', # } # Expose Prometheus monitoring metrics at the HTTP endpoint '/metrics' METRICS_ENABLED = False # Credentials that NetBox will uses to authenticate to devices when connecting via NAPALM. NAPALM_USERNAME = '' NAPALM_PASSWORD = '' # NAPALM timeout (in seconds). (Default: 30) NAPALM_TIMEOUT = 30 # NAPALM optional arguments (see https://napalm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/support/#optional-arguments). Arguments must # be provided as a dictionary. NAPALM_ARGS = {} # Determine how many objects to display per page within a list. (Default: 50) PAGINATE_COUNT = 50 # Enable installed plugins. Add the name of each plugin to the list. PLUGINS = [] # Plugins configuration settings. These settings are used by various plugins that the user may have installed. # Each key in the dictionary is the name of an installed plugin and its value is a dictionary of settings. # PLUGINS_CONFIG = { # 'my_plugin': { # 'foo': 'bar', # 'buzz': 'bazz' # } # } # When determining the primary IP address for a device, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4 by default. Set this to True to # prefer IPv4 instead. PREFER_IPV4 = False # Rack elevation size defaults, in pixels. For best results, the ratio of width to height should be roughly 10:1. RACK_ELEVATION_DEFAULT_UNIT_HEIGHT = 22 RACK_ELEVATION_DEFAULT_UNIT_WIDTH = 220 # Remote authentication support REMOTE_AUTH_ENABLED = {{REMOTE_AUTH_ENABLED}} REMOTE_AUTH_BACKEND = '{{REMOTE_AUTH_BACKEND}}' REMOTE_AUTH_HEADER = '{{REMOTE_AUTH_HEADER}}' REMOTE_AUTH_AUTO_CREATE_USER = {{REMOTE_AUTH_AUTO_CREATE_USER}} REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS = {{REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS}} REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = {{REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS}} # This repository is used to check whether there is a new release of NetBox available. Set to None to disable the # version check or use the URL below to check for release in the official NetBox repository. RELEASE_CHECK_URL = None # RELEASE_CHECK_URL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/netbox-community/netbox/releases' # The file path where custom reports will be stored. A trailing slash is not needed. Note that the default value of # this setting is derived from the installed location. # REPORTS_ROOT = '/opt/netbox/netbox/reports' # Maximum execution time for background tasks, in seconds. RQ_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300 # The file path where custom scripts will be stored. A trailing slash is not needed. Note that the default value of # this setting is derived from the installed location. SCRIPTS_ROOT = '/config/scripts' # The name to use for the session cookie. SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'sessionid' # By default, NetBox will store session data in the database. Alternatively, a file path can be specified here to use # local file storage instead. (This can be useful for enabling authentication on a standby instance with read-only # database access.) Note that the user as which NetBox runs must have read and write permissions to this path. SESSION_FILE_PATH = None # Time zone (default: UTC) TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # Date/time formatting. See the following link for supported formats: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/builtins/#date DATE_FORMAT = 'N j, Y' SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d' TIME_FORMAT = 'g:i a' SHORT_TIME_FORMAT = 'H:i:s' DATETIME_FORMAT = 'N j, Y g:i a' SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i'