Nick Walker 3f22ce0ae7 Fix hostname on role creation curl command
Prior to the this commit, if you were using the code_manager
profile on a split install it would incorrectly try to curl the
NC api on the master node.

After this commit, it should correctly curl the hostname of the NC

This has no impact on the functionality of the code on a monolithic
PE installation.
2016-01-12 09:32:06 -08:00

151 lines
6.8 KiB

class profile::git_webhook::code_manager {
$authenticate_webhook = hiera('puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::authenticate_webhook', true)
$code_manager_service_user = 'code_manager_service_user'
$code_manager_service_user_password = fqdn_rand_string(40, '', "${code_manager_service_user}_password")
#puppet_master_classifier_settings is a custom function
$classifier_settings = puppet_master_classifer_settings()
$classifier_hostname = $classifier_settings['server']
$classifier_port = $classifier_settings['port']
$token_directory = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/.puppetlabs'
$token_filename = "${token_directory}/${code_manager_service_user}_token"
$gms_api_token = hiera('gms_api_token', undef)
$git_management_system = hiera('git_management_system', undef)
$code_manager_ssh_key_file = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/code_manager.key'
exec { 'create code manager ssh key' :
command => "/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C 'code_manager' -f ${code_manager_ssh_key_file} -q -N ''",
creates => $code_manager_ssh_key_file,
file { $code_manager_ssh_key_file :
ensure => file,
owner => 'pe-puppet',
group => 'pe-puppet',
require => Exec['create code manager ssh key'],
#If files exist in the codedir code manager can't manage them unless pe-puppet can read them
exec { 'chown all environments to pe-puppet' :
command => "/bin/chown -R pe-puppet:pe-puppet ${::settings::codedir}",
unless => "/usr/bin/test \$(stat -c %U ${::settings::codedir}/environments/production) = 'pe-puppet'",
$code_manager_role_name = 'Deploy Environments'
$create_role_creates_file = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/.puppetlabs/deploy_environments_created'
$create_role_curl = @(EOT)
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
https://<%= $classifier_hostname %>:4433/rbac-api/v1/roles \
-d '{"permissions": [{"object_type": "environment", "action": "deploy_code", "instance": "*"},
{"object_type": "tokens", "action": "override_lifetime", "instance": "*"}],"user_ids": [], "group_ids": [], "display_name": "<%= $code_manager_role_name %>", "description": ""}' \
--cert <%= $::settings::certdir %>/<%= $::trusted['certname'] %>.pem \
--key <%= $::settings::privatekeydir %>/<%= $::trusted['certname'] %>.pem \
--cacert <%= $::settings::certdir %>/ca.pem;
touch <%= $create_role_creates_file %>
exec { 'create deploy environments role' :
command => inline_epp( $create_role_curl ),
creates => $create_role_creates_file,
logoutput => true,
path => $::path,
require => File[$token_directory],
rbac_user { $code_manager_service_user :
ensure => 'present',
name => $code_manager_service_user,
email => "${code_manager_service_user}",
display_name => 'Code Manager Service Account',
password => $code_manager_service_user_password,
roles => [ $code_manager_role_name ],
require => Exec['create deploy environments role'],
file { $token_directory :
ensure => directory,
owner => 'pe-puppet',
group => 'pe-puppet',
exec { "Generate Token for ${code_manager_service_user}" :
command => epp('profile/git_webhook/code_manager/create_rbac_token.epp',
{ 'code_manager_service_user' => $code_manager_service_user,
'code_manager_service_user_password' => $code_manager_service_user_password,
'classifier_hostname' => $classifier_hostname,
'classifier_port' => $classifier_port,
'token_filename' => $token_filename
creates => $token_filename,
require => [ Rbac_user[$code_manager_service_user], File[$token_directory] ],
#this file cannont be read until the next run after the above exec
#because the file function runs on the master not on the agent
#so the file doesn't exist at the time the function is run
$rbac_token_file_contents = no_fail_file($token_filename)
#Only mv code if this is at least the 2nd run of puppet
#Code manager needs to be enabled and puppet server restarted
#before this exec can complete. Gating on the token file
#ensures at least one run has completed
if $::code_manager_mv_old_code and !empty($rbac_token_file_contents) {
$timestamp = chomp(generate('/bin/date', '+%Y%d%m_%H:%M:%S'))
exec { 'mv files out of $environmentpath' :
command => "mkdir /etc/puppetlabs/env_back_${timestamp};
mv ${::settings::codedir}/environments/* /etc/puppetlabs/env_back_${timestamp}/;
rm /opt/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/code_manager_mv_old_code.txt;
TOKEN=`/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby -e \"require 'json'; puts JSON.parse('${token_filename}'))['token']\"`;
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \"https://${::trusted['certname']}:8170/code-manager/v1/deploys?token=\$TOKEN\" -d '{\"environments\": [\"${::environment}\"], \"wait\": true}';
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \"https://${::trusted['certname']}:8170/code-manager/v1/deploys?token=\$TOKEN\" -d '{\"deploy-all\": true, \"wait\": true}';
sleep 15",
path => $::path,
logoutput => true,
require => Exec["Generate Token for ${code_manager_service_user}"],
if !empty($gms_api_token) {
if $authenticate_webhook and !empty($rbac_token_file_contents) {
$rbac_token = parsejson($rbac_token_file_contents)['token']
$token_info = "&token=${rbac_token}"
else {
$token_info = ''
$code_manager_webhook_type = $git_management_system ? {
'gitlab' => 'github',
default => $git_management_system,
git_deploy_key { "add_deploy_key_to_puppet_control-${::fqdn}":
ensure => present,
name => $::fqdn,
path => "${code_manager_ssh_key_file}.pub",
token => $gms_api_token,
project_name => 'puppet/control-repo',
server_url => hiera('gms_server_url'),
provider => $git_management_system,
git_webhook { "code_manager_post_receive_webhook-${::fqdn}" :
ensure => present,
webhook_url => "https://${::fqdn}:8170/code-manager/v1/webhook?type=${code_manager_webhook_type}${token_info}",
token => $gms_api_token,
project_name => 'puppet/control-repo',
server_url => hiera('gms_server_url'),
provider => $git_management_system,
disable_ssl_verify => true,