Prior to this commit, the code manger profile could not complete on the first run because the file function would error out I implemented a new version of the file function that returns nothing when the file does not exist instead of erroring out which allows me to gate creating the webhook on whether there is content in the file. As a result this means that it takes 2 runs to get everything setup but this is preferable over having to manually intervene in some other way if the token file doesn't exist.
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class profile::code_manager {
$code_manager_service_user = 'code_manager_service_user'
$code_manager_service_user_password = fqdn_rand_string(40, '', "${code_manager_service_user}_password")
#puppet_master_classifier_settings is a custom function
$classifier_settings = puppet_master_classifer_settings()
$classifier_hostname = $classifier_settings['server']
$classifier_port = $classifier_settings['port']
$token_directory = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/.puppetlabs'
$token_filename = "${token_directory}/${code_manager_service_user}_token"
$gms_api_token = hiera('gms_api_token', undef)
$git_management_system = hiera('git_management_system', undef)
rbac_user { $code_manager_service_user :
ensure => 'present',
name => $code_manager_service_user,
email => "${code_manager_service_user}@example.com",
display_name => 'Code Manager Service Account',
password => $code_manager_service_user_password,
roles => [ 'Deploy Environments' ],
file { $token_directory :
ensure => directory,
owner => 'pe-puppet',
group => 'pe-puppet',
exec { "Generate Token for ${code_manager_service_user}" :
command => epp('profile/code_manager/create_rbac_token.epp',
{ 'code_manager_service_user' => $code_manager_service_user,
'code_manager_service_user_password' => $code_manager_service_user_password,
'classifier_hostname' => $classifier_hostname,
'classifier_port' => $classifier_port,
'token_filename' => $token_filename
creates => $token_filename,
require => [ Rbac_user[$code_manager_service_user], File[$token_directory] ],
#this file cannont be read until the next run after the above exec
#because the file function runs on the master not on the agent
#so the file doesn't exist at the time the function is run
$rbac_token_file_contents = no_fail_file($token_filename)
if !empty($gms_api_token) and !empty($rbac_token_file_contents) {
$rbac_token = parsejson($rbac_token_file_contents)['token']
$code_manager_webhook_type = $git_management_system ? {
'gitlab' => 'github',
default => $git_management_system,
git_webhook { "code_manager_post_receive_webhook-${::fqdn}" :
ensure => present,
webhook_url => "https://${::fqdn}:8170/code-manager/v1/webhook?type=${code_manager_webhook_type}&token=${rbac_token}",
token => $gms_api_token,
project_name => 'puppet/control-repo',
server_url => hiera('gms_server_url'),
provider => $git_management_system,
disable_ssl_verify => true,