class profile::puppetmaster { $hiera_yaml = "${::settings::confdir}/hiera.yaml" class { 'hiera': hierarchy => [ 'virtual/%{::virtual}', 'nodes/%{::trusted.certname}', 'common', ], hiera_yaml => $hiera_yaml, datadir => '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{environment}/hieradata', owner => 'pe-puppet', group => 'pe-puppet', notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } ini_setting { 'puppet.conf hiera_config master section' : ensure => absent, path => "${::settings::confdir}/puppet.conf", section => 'master', setting => 'hiera_config', value => $hiera_yaml, notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } #remove the default hiera.yaml from the code-staging directory #after the next code manager deployment it should be removed #from the live codedir file { '/etc/puppetlabs/code-staging/hiera.yaml' : ensure => absent, } #Lay down for use in r10k postrun_command #This is configured via the pe_r10k::postrun key in hiera file { '/usr/local/bin/' : ensure => file, source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/puppetmaster/', mode => '0755', } # ini_setting { 'environment_timeout = unlimited': ensure => present, path => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf', section => 'main', setting => 'environment_timeout', value => 'unlimited', notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } }