#!/bin/bash # #Does install and patches if any cd /apps/bmc/ sudo -u ctmagent /apps/bmc/software/version_9/setup.sh -silent /apps/bmc/ctm/ctm_silentinstall_optus.xml RESULT=$? echo "exit status $RESULT" if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] ; then exit $RESULT; fi /bin/date > /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_install.hasrun echo "exit status $RESULT" >> /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_install.hasrun echo "do not remove this file unless you want to rerun the install" >> /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_install.hasrun chmod 444 /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_install.hasrun <% if @patch_files -%> /bin/date > /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_patch_install.hasrun # remove any old patches rm -rf /apps/bmc/software/version_9/fixes/*INSTALL.BIN . /etc/profile.d/controlm.sh <% @patch_files.each do | file | -%> echo "====================" PATCH_RESULT=1 cd /apps/bmc/software/version_9/fixes wget http://<%= scope.lookupvar('::razor_metadata_repo_server') -%>/files/bcc_source/controlm/<%= file %> chmod 755 /apps/bmc/software/version_9/fixes/<%= file %> sudo -u ctmagent /bin/bash - < EOF PATCH_RESULT=$? if [ $PATCH_RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo "patch <%= file -%> bad $PATCH_RESULT" >> controlm_agent_patch_install.hasrun mv /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_patch_install.hasrun /apps/bmc/ctm/controlm_agent_patch_install.bad exit $RESULT fi echo "patch exit status <%= file -%> $PATCH_RESULT" # sleep to see if patches properly install echo "sleeping for 10 " sleep 10 <% end -%> <% end -%> # set correct hostnames SHORT=`/bin/hostname -s` LONG=`/bin/hostname -f` echo "Changing short hostnames in CONFIG.dat" cp -f /apps/bmc/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat /apps/bmc/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat.bak /bin/sed -i "s/$SHORT$/$LONG/" /apps/bmc/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat grep $SHORT /apps/bmc/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat #change mode /usr/bin/yes y | /apps/bmc/ctm/scripts/set_agent_mode -u ctmagent -o 1 # stop agent sudo -u ctmagent /bin/bash - <