class profile::code_manager { $authenticate_webhook = hiera('puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::authenticate_webhook', true) $code_manager_service_user = 'code_manager_service_user' $code_manager_service_user_password = fqdn_rand_string(40, '', "${code_manager_service_user}_password") #puppet_master_classifier_settings is a custom function $classifier_settings = puppet_master_classifer_settings() $classifier_hostname = $classifier_settings['server'] $classifier_port = $classifier_settings['port'] $token_directory = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/.puppetlabs' $token_filename = "${token_directory}/${code_manager_service_user}_token" $gms_api_token = hiera('gms_api_token', undef) $git_management_system = hiera('git_management_system', undef) #If files exist in the codedir code manager can't manage them unless pe-puppet can read them exec { 'chown all environments to pe-puppet' : command => "/bin/chown -R pe-puppet:pe-puppet ${::settings::codedir}", unless => "/usr/bin/test \$(stat -c %U ${::settings::codedir}/environments/production) = 'pe-puppet'", } rbac_user { $code_manager_service_user : ensure => 'present', name => $code_manager_service_user, email => "${code_manager_service_user}", display_name => 'Code Manager Service Account', password => $code_manager_service_user_password, roles => [ 'Deploy Environments' ], } file { $token_directory : ensure => directory, owner => 'pe-puppet', group => 'pe-puppet', } exec { "Generate Token for ${code_manager_service_user}" : command => epp('profile/code_manager/create_rbac_token.epp', { 'code_manager_service_user' => $code_manager_service_user, 'code_manager_service_user_password' => $code_manager_service_user_password, 'classifier_hostname' => $classifier_hostname, 'classifier_port' => $classifier_port, 'token_filename' => $token_filename }), creates => $token_filename, require => [ Rbac_user[$code_manager_service_user], File[$token_directory] ], } #this file cannont be read until the next run after the above exec #because the file function runs on the master not on the agent #so the file doesn't exist at the time the function is run $rbac_token_file_contents = no_fail_file($token_filename) if !empty($gms_api_token) { if $authenticate_webhook and !empty($rbac_token_file_contents) { $rbac_token = parsejson($rbac_token_file_contents)['token'] $token_info = "&token=${rbac_token}" } else { $token_info = '' } $code_manager_webhook_type = $git_management_system ? { 'gitlab' => 'github', default => $git_management_system, } git_webhook { "code_manager_post_receive_webhook-${::fqdn}" : ensure => present, webhook_url => "https://${::fqdn}:8170/code-manager/v1/webhook?type=${code_manager_webhook_type}${token_info}", token => $gms_api_token, project_name => 'puppet/control-repo', server_url => hiera('gms_server_url'), provider => $git_management_system, disable_ssl_verify => true, } } }