## site.pp ## # This file (./manifests/site.pp) is the main entry point # used when an agent connects to a master and asks for an updated configuration. # https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/dirs_manifest.html # # Global objects like filebuckets and resource defaults should go in this file, # as should the default node definition if you want to use it. ## Active Configurations ## # Disable filebucket by default for all File resources: # https://github.com/puppetlabs/docs-archive/blob/master/pe/2015.3/release_notes.markdown#filebucket-resource-no-longer-created-by-default File { backup => false } ## Node Definitions ## # The default node definition matches any node lacking a more specific node # definition. If there are no other node definitions in this file, classes # and resources declared in the default node definition will be included in # every node's catalog. # # Note that node definitions in this file are merged with node data from the # Puppet Enterprise console and External Node Classifiers (ENC's). # # For more on node definitions, see: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_node_definitions.html node default { # This is where you can declare classes for all nodes. # Example: # class { 'my_class': } }