Add pltraing-rbac module
Added a new profile for code_manager that:
- creates a service users for code manager
- creates a token for that service user
- creates a hook on a git server using the token
Turns out that the file function in puppet cannot read files in
/root. The pe-puppet user needs read permissions on the file
and traversal on the directory which giving to /root would
probably be a bad idea. So, I just put the file containing
the token in /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver since I'm not sure
where would be better.
When the owner / group was root this meant that enabling
hiera-eyaml wouldn't work properly as the keys couldn't
be read by puppetserver.
Changing to pe-puppet should resolve the issue.
Previously there was a mcollective and no_mcollective version of
the webhook profile. They were almost identical so I merged them
and manage the difference with a "use_mcollective" parameter.
I renamed the webhook profile to zack_r10k_webhook.
To accomodate generating random usernames and passwords, I had
to parameterize the profiles which I didn't feel great about
but I also didn't want to have to put the username and pass in
This entailed configring the classifier to never sync on a
Changing environment_timeout to unlimited for all masters.
Setting a postrun command for r10k that would update the class
information in the classifier (the update-classes endpoint).
I now have a virtual hierarchy level for setting up my lower memory
settings when using vagrant/virtualbox.
The gms settings are in an example-puppet-master.yaml file in the
nodes directory which are needed for the instructions.
I thought I needed to double quote items that had interpolated
variables but it turns out I don't need to which is good
because I effectively can't due to .to_yaml not doing what I
wanted it to do.
Updating README for instructions on how to use the control-repo
by putting it in your own git server and then using the r10k
answers during installation of PE.
Removing the manifest for configuring r10k using zack/r10k.
Added a role that can be used to bootstrap an all-in-one PE