Prior to this commit, the code manger profile could not complete
on the first run because the file function would error out
I implemented a new version of the file function that returns
nothing when the file does not exist instead of erroring out which
allows me to gate creating the webhook on whether there is content
in the file.
As a result this means that it takes 2 runs to get everything setup
but this is preferable over having to manually intervene in some
other way if the token file doesn't exist.
Moved the webhook resource out of puppetmaster and into zack_r10k
to support exchaning code_manager in place of zack_r10k
As a result I cleaned up some unnecessary parameters.
Installing both the r10k webhook and the code_manager at this time
for testing
Add pltraing-rbac module
Added a new profile for code_manager that:
- creates a service users for code manager
- creates a token for that service user
- creates a hook on a git server using the token
Turns out that the file function in puppet cannot read files in
/root. The pe-puppet user needs read permissions on the file
and traversal on the directory which giving to /root would
probably be a bad idea. So, I just put the file containing
the token in /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver since I'm not sure
where would be better.
When the owner / group was root this meant that enabling
hiera-eyaml wouldn't work properly as the keys couldn't
be read by puppetserver.
Changing to pe-puppet should resolve the issue.
Previously there was a mcollective and no_mcollective version of
the webhook profile. They were almost identical so I merged them
and manage the difference with a "use_mcollective" parameter.
I renamed the webhook profile to zack_r10k_webhook.
To accomodate generating random usernames and passwords, I had
to parameterize the profiles which I didn't feel great about
but I also didn't want to have to put the username and pass in
This entailed configring the classifier to never sync on a
Changing environment_timeout to unlimited for all masters.
Setting a postrun command for r10k that would update the class
information in the classifier (the update-classes endpoint).
I now have a virtual hierarchy level for setting up my lower memory
settings when using vagrant/virtualbox.
The gms settings are in an example-puppet-master.yaml file in the
nodes directory which are needed for the instructions.
I thought I needed to double quote items that had interpolated
variables but it turns out I don't need to which is good
because I effectively can't due to .to_yaml not doing what I
wanted it to do.