This commit is contained in:
Henry Wang 2020-04-10 16:15:13 +08:00
parent 73005f3953
commit 4a055b9fde
3 changed files with 0 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Factsets
This directory is where we put any custom factsets that we want to use. They can be generated by running `puppet facts` on the target system.
**Hot tip:** If you already have factsets in here when you run `onceover init` they will be picked up and added to the config file Automatically
More info:

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@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# Classes to be tested
- role::database_server
- role::windowsnode
- role::webserver
- role::goldload_server
- role::loadbalancer
- role::example
- role::callaugeas
# Nodes to tests classes on, this refers to a 'factset' or 'nodeset'
# depending on whether you are running 'spec' or 'acceptance' tests
# - AIX-7.1-powerpc
- SLES-12.1-64
- Debian-6.0.10-32
- CentOS-6.6-64
- Ubuntu-12.04-32
- Amazon-2018.03
- Ubuntu-12.04-64
- CentOS-6.6-32
- Debian-6.0.10-64
# - AIX-6.1-powerpc
- Windows_Server-2012r2-64
- RHEL-7.4
- Debian-7.8-32
- windows-10-64
- Windows_Server-2008r2-64
- SLES-11.3-64
# - Debian-7.8-64
- solaris-10_u9-sparc-64
- solaris-11.2-sparc-64
- Ubuntu-14.04-32
- CentOS-5.11-64
- CentOS-5.11-32
- RHEL-6.7
- CentOS-7.0-64
- Ubuntu-14.04-64
# You can group classes here to save typing
- 'role::callaugeas'
- 'role::loadbalancer'
include: 'all_classes'
exclude: 'special_classes'
include: 'all_classes'
exclude: 'role::callaugeas'
# You can group nodes here to save typing
# We have created a 'non_windows_nodes' group because we can't
# give you Windows vagrant boxes to test with because licensing,
# we can give you fact sets though so go crazy with spec testing!
- Windows_Server-2012r2-64
- windows-10-64
- Windows_Server-2008r2-64
include: 'all_nodes'
exclude: 'windows_nodes'
- RHEL-7.4
- RHEL-6.7
- all_nodes:
classes: 'general_classes'
tests: 'spec'
- non_windows_nodes:
classes: 'non_windows_classes'
tests: 'spec'
- test_callaugeas_nodes:
classes: 'role::callaugeas'
tests: 'spec'

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Pre Conditions
This folder should contain any \*.pp files that you want to be included in every test.
A common use of this is defining resources that may not exist in the catalog when you are running tests. For example, if we are using a resource that tries to restart the `pe-puppetserver` service, unless it is compiled on a Puppet Maser the `pe-puppetserver` service will not exist and the catalog will fail to compile. To get around this we can create a .pp file and define the resource like so:
``` puppet
# We are not going to actually have this service anywhere on our servers but
# our code needs to refresh it. This is to trick puppet into doing nothing
service { 'pe-puppetserver':
ensure => 'running',
enable => false,
hasrestart => false, # Force Puppet to use start and stop to restart
start => 'echo "Start"', # This will always exit 0
stop => 'echo "Stop"', # This will also always exit 0
hasstatus => false, # Force puppet to use our command for status
status => 'echo "Status"', # This will always exit 0 and therefore Puppet will think the service is running
provider => 'base',
This will mean that the `pe-puppetserver` service is in the catalog for spec testing and will even allow you to try to restart it during acceptance tests without the service actually being present.
More info: