use crate::models::DB; use crate::types::*; use log::debug; #[macro_export] macro_rules! rate_limit { ($api_key:expr, $db:expr, $limit:tt, $group:expr) => { rate_limit!($api_key, $db, $limit, $group, 1) }; ($api_key:expr, $db:expr, $limit:tt, $group:expr, $incr_by:expr) => { let api_key = crate::models::lookup_api_key($api_key, $db) .await .ok_or_else(|| warp::reject::custom(Error::ApiKey))?; let rate_limit = crate::utils::update_rate_limit($db,, api_key.$limit, $group, $incr_by) .await .map_err(crate::handlers::map_postgres_err)?; if rate_limit == crate::types::RateLimit::Limited { return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::RateLimit)); } }; } /// Increment the rate limit for a group. /// /// We need to specify the ID of the API key to increment, the key's limit for /// the specified group, the name of the group we're incrementing, and the /// amount to increment for this request. This should remain as 1 except for /// joined requests. pub async fn update_rate_limit( db: DB<'_>, key_id: i32, key_group_limit: i16, group_name: &'static str, incr_by: i16, ) -> Result { let now = chrono::Utc::now(); let timestamp = now.timestamp(); let time_window = timestamp - (timestamp % 60); debug!( "Incrementing rate limit for: {}-{} by {}", key_id, group_name, incr_by ); let rows = db .query( "INSERT INTO rate_limit (api_key_id, time_window, group_name, count) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT unique_window DO UPDATE set count = rate_limit.count + $4 RETURNING rate_limit.count", &[&key_id, &time_window, &group_name, &incr_by], ) .await?; let count: i16 = rows[0].get(0); if count > key_group_limit { Ok(RateLimit::Limited) } else { Ok(RateLimit::Available(count)) } } pub fn extract_rows<'a>( rows: Vec, hash: Option<&'a [u8]>, ) -> impl IntoIterator + 'a { rows.into_iter().map(move |row| { let dbhash: i64 = row.get("hash"); let dbbytes = dbhash.to_be_bytes(); let (furaffinity_id, e621_id, twitter_id): (Option, Option, Option) = ( row.get("furaffinity_id"), row.get("e621_id"), row.get("twitter_id"), ); let (site_id, site_info) = if let Some(fa_id) = furaffinity_id { ( fa_id as i64, Some(SiteInfo::FurAffinity(FurAffinityFile { file_id: row.get("file_id"), })), ) } else if let Some(e6_id) = e621_id { ( e6_id as i64, Some(SiteInfo::E621(E621File { sources: row.get("sources"), })), ) } else if let Some(t_id) = twitter_id { (t_id, Some(SiteInfo::Twitter)) } else { (-1, None) }; File { id: row.get("id"), site_id, site_info, site_id_str: site_id.to_string(), url: row.get("url"), hash: Some(dbhash), distance: hash .map(|hash| hamming::distance_fast(&dbbytes, &hash).ok()) .flatten(), artists: row.get("artists"), filename: row.get("filename"), } }) }