use anyhow::Context; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use prometheus::{ register_histogram, register_int_gauge, Histogram, HistogramOpts, IntGauge, Opts, }; use sqlx::Connection; use tracing_unwrap::ResultExt; use fuzzysearch_common::faktory::FaktoryClient; static USER_AGENT: &str = "e621-watcher / FuzzySearch Ingester / Syfaro "; lazy_static! { static ref SUBMISSION_BACKLOG: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(Opts::new( "fuzzysearch_watcher_submission_backlog", "Number of submissions behind the latest ID" ) .const_label("site", "e621")) .unwrap_or_log(); static ref INDEX_DURATION: Histogram = register_histogram!(HistogramOpts::new( "fuzzysearch_watcher_index_duration_seconds", "Duration to load an index of submissions" ) .const_label("site", "e621")) .unwrap_or_log(); static ref SUBMISSION_DURATION: Histogram = register_histogram!(HistogramOpts::new( "fuzzysearch_watcher_submission_duration_seconds", "Duration to load an index of submissions" ) .const_label("site", "e621")) .unwrap_or_log(); } type Auth = (String, Option); #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { fuzzysearch_common::trace::configure_tracing("fuzzysearch-ingest-e621"); fuzzysearch_common::trace::serve_metrics().await; let login = std::env::var("E621_LOGIN").expect_or_log("Missing E621_LOGIN"); let api_key = std::env::var("E621_API_KEY").expect_or_log("Missing E621_API_KEY"); let auth = (login, Some(api_key)); let download_folder = std::env::var("DOWNLOAD_FOLDER").ok(); let client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::default() .user_agent(USER_AGENT) .build()?; let mut conn = sqlx::PgConnection::connect( &std::env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect_or_log("Missing DATABASE_URL"), ) .await?; let faktory_dsn = std::env::var("FAKTORY_URL").expect_or_log("Missing FAKTORY_URL"); let faktory = FaktoryClient::connect(faktory_dsn) .await .expect_or_log("Unable to connect to Faktory"); let max_id: i32 = sqlx::query!("SELECT max(id) max FROM e621") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await? .max .unwrap_or(0); tracing::info!(max_id, "Found maximum ID in database"); let mut now; let mut min_id = max_id; let mut latest_id: Option = None; loop { now = std::time::Instant::now(); let lid = match latest_id { Some(latest_id) => latest_id, None => { let _hist = INDEX_DURATION.start_timer(); let lid = get_latest_id(&client, &auth) .await .expect_or_log("Unable to get latest ID"); drop(_hist); latest_id = Some(lid); lid } }; let _hist = INDEX_DURATION.start_timer(); let page = load_page(&client, &auth, min_id).await?; drop(_hist); let posts = get_page_posts(&page)?; let post_ids = get_post_ids(posts); tracing::trace!(?post_ids, "Collected posts"); min_id = match post_ids.iter().max() { Some(id) => *id, None => { tracing::info!("Found no new posts, sleeping"); tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 5)).await; continue; } }; SUBMISSION_BACKLOG.set((lid - min_id).into()); let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; for post in posts { let _hist = SUBMISSION_DURATION.start_timer(); insert_submission(&mut tx, &faktory, &client, post, &download_folder).await?; drop(_hist); SUBMISSION_BACKLOG.sub(1); } tx.commit().await?; let elapsed = now.elapsed().as_millis() as u64; if post_ids.contains(&lid) { tracing::info!(lid, "Page contained latest ID, sleeping"); tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 5)).await; latest_id = None; } else if elapsed < 1000 { let delay = 1000 - elapsed; tracing::info!(delay, "Delaying before next request"); tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(delay)).await; } } } fn get_page_posts(page: &serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<&Vec> { let page = match page { serde_json::Value::Object(ref obj) => obj, _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Top level object was not an object")), }; let posts = page .get("posts") .context("Page did not contain posts object")? .as_array() .context("Posts was not an array")?; Ok(posts) } fn get_post_ids(posts: &[serde_json::Value]) -> Vec { let ids: Vec = posts .iter() .filter_map(|post| { let post = match post { serde_json::Value::Object(post) => post, _ => return None, }; let id = match post.get("id")? { serde_json::Value::Number(num) => num.as_i64()? as i32, _ => return None, }; Some(id) }) .collect(); ids } #[tracing::instrument(err, skip(client, auth))] async fn get_latest_id(client: &reqwest::Client, auth: &Auth) -> anyhow::Result { tracing::debug!("Looking up current highest ID"); let query = vec![("limit", "1")]; let page: serde_json::Value = client .get("") .query(&query) .basic_auth(&auth.0, auth.1.as_ref()) .send() .await? .json() .await?; let posts = get_page_posts(&page)?; let id = get_post_ids(posts) .into_iter() .max() .context("Page had no IDs")?; tracing::info!(id, "Found maximum ID"); Ok(id) } #[tracing::instrument(err, skip(client, auth))] async fn load_page( client: &reqwest::Client, auth: &Auth, after_id: i32, ) -> anyhow::Result { tracing::debug!("Attempting to load page"); let query = vec![ ("limit", "320".to_string()), ("page", format!("a{}", after_id)), ]; let body = client .get("") .query(&query) .basic_auth(&auth.0, auth.1.as_ref()) .send() .await? .json() .await?; Ok(body) } struct ImageData { hash: Option, hash_error: Option, sha256: Option>, bytes: Option>, } #[tracing::instrument(err, skip(conn, faktory, client, post, download_folder), fields(id))] async fn insert_submission( conn: &mut sqlx::Transaction<'_, sqlx::Postgres>, faktory: &FaktoryClient, client: &reqwest::Client, post: &serde_json::Value, download_folder: &Option, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let id = post .get("id") .context("Post was missing ID")? .as_i64() .context("Post ID was not number")? as i32; tracing::Span::current().record("id", &id); tracing::debug!("Inserting submission"); tracing::trace!(?post, "Evaluating post"); let ImageData { hash, hash_error, sha256, .. } = if let Some((url, ext)) = get_post_url_ext(post) { let ImageData { hash, hash_error, sha256, bytes, } = if url != "/images/deleted-preview.png" && (ext == "jpg" || ext == "png") { load_image(client, url).await? } else { tracing::debug!("Ignoring post as it is deleted or not a supported image format"); ImageData { hash: None, hash_error: None, sha256: None, bytes: None, } }; if let (Some(folder), Some(sha256), Some(bytes)) = (download_folder, &sha256, &bytes) { if let Err(err) = fuzzysearch_common::download::write_bytes(folder, sha256, bytes).await { tracing::error!("Could not download file: {:?}", err); } } let artist = post .as_object() .and_then(|post| post.get("tags")) .and_then(|tags| tags.get("artist")) .and_then(|artist| artist.as_array()) .map(|artists| { artists .iter() .filter_map(|artist| artist.as_str()) .collect::>() .join(", ") }) .unwrap_or_default(); faktory .queue_webhook(fuzzysearch_common::faktory::WebHookData { site: fuzzysearch_common::types::Site::E621, site_id: id as i64, artist, file_url: url.to_owned(), file_sha256: sha256.clone(), hash:|hash| hash.to_be_bytes()), }) .await?; ImageData { hash, hash_error, sha256, bytes, } } else { tracing::warn!("Post had missing URL or extension"); ImageData { hash: None, hash_error: None, sha256: None, bytes: None, } }; sqlx::query!( "INSERT INTO e621 (id, data, hash, hash_error, sha256) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET data =, hash = EXCLUDED.hash, hash_error = EXCLUDED.hash_error, sha256 = EXCLUDED.sha256", id, post, hash, hash_error, sha256 ) .execute(conn) .await?; tracing::info!("Completed submission"); Ok(()) } fn get_post_url_ext(post: &serde_json::Value) -> Option<(&str, &str)> { let file = post.as_object()?.get("file")?.as_object()?; let url = file.get("url")?.as_str()?; let ext = file.get("ext")?.as_str()?; Some((url, ext)) } #[tracing::instrument(err, skip(client))] async fn load_image(client: &reqwest::Client, url: &str) -> anyhow::Result { use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::convert::TryInto; let bytes = client.get(url).send().await?.bytes().await?.to_vec(); tracing::trace!(len = bytes.len(), "Got submission image bytes"); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&bytes); let result = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); tracing::trace!(?result, "Calculated image SHA256"); let hasher = fuzzysearch_common::get_hasher(); let img = match image::load_from_memory(&bytes) { Ok(img) => img, Err(err) => { tracing::error!(?err, "Unable to open image"); return Ok(ImageData { hash: None, hash_error: Some(err.to_string()), sha256: Some(result), bytes: Some(bytes), }); } }; tracing::trace!("Opened image successfully"); let hash = hasher.hash_image(&img); let hash: [u8; 8] = hash.as_bytes().try_into()?; let hash = i64::from_be_bytes(hash); tracing::trace!(?hash, "Calculated image hash"); Ok(ImageData { hash: Some(hash), hash_error: None, sha256: Some(result), bytes: Some(bytes), }) }