first implementation of role-gitea

This commit is contained in:
Lennard Brinkhaus 2022-12-10 21:12:07 +01:00
parent 8b30e88bb9
commit 122246d051
Signed by: lennard.brinkhaus
GPG Key ID: 286421EC53998B22
21 changed files with 819 additions and 69 deletions

.idea/modules.xml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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.idea/role-gitea.iml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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.idea/workspace.xml generated Normal file
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@ -1,38 +1,113 @@
Role Name
Gitea Role
A brief description of the role goes here.
Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
## Config
### General
Role Variables
* `gitea_version_check`: Check if installed version != `gitea_version` before initiating binary download
* `gitea_version`: The Gitea-Version you want to install
* `gitea_user`: UNIX user used by Gitea
* `gitea_group`: UNIX group used by Gitea
* `gitea_home`: Base directory to work
* `gitea_dl_url`: The URL, the compiled gitea-binary will be downloaded from
* `gitea_systemd_cap_net_bind_service`: Adds `AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE` and `AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE` to systemd service file
* `gitea_extra_config`: Additional configuration
A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
### Look and feel
* `gitea_app_name`: Displayed application name
* `gitea_show_user_email`: Do you want to display email addresses ? (true/false)
* `gitea_disable_gravatar`: Do you want to disable Gravatar ? (privacy and so on) (true/false)
* `gitea_offline_mode`: Do you want to disabling CDNs for frontend assets (true/false)
* `gitea_disable_registration`: Do you want to disable user registration ? (true/false)
* `gitea_only_allow_external_registration`: Do you want to force registration only using third-party services ? (true/false)
* `gitea_show_registration_button`: Do you want to show the registration button? (true/false)
* `gitea_require_signin`: Do you require a signin to see repo's (even public ones) ? (true/false)
* `gitea_enable_captcha`: Do you want to enable captcha's ? (true/false)
* `gitea_themes`: List of enabled themes
* `gitea_theme_default`: Default theme
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
### Security
* `gitea_secret_key`: Cookie secret key
* `gitea_internal_token`: Internal API token
* `gitea_disable_git_hooks`: Do you want to disable the interface to add git hooks? If enabled it could be a security bug as it can be used for RCE. Defaults to true (true/false)
Example Playbook
### Limits
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
* `gitea_user_repo_limit`: Limit how many repos a user can have (-1 for unlimited)
* `gitea_force_private`: Force every new repository to be private (true/false)
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
### HTTP configuration
* `gitea_http_domain`: HTTP domain (displayed in your clone URLs, just the domain like
* `gitea_root_url`: Root URL used to access your web app (full URL)
* `gitea_protocol`: Listening protocol (http/https)
* `gitea_http_listen`: Bind address
* `gitea_http_port`: Bind port
* `gitea_disable_http_git`: Disable the use of Git over HTTP ? (true/false)
### SSH configuration
Author Information
* `gitea_ssh_listen`: Bind address for the SSH server
* `gitea_ssh_domain`: SSH domain (displayed in your clone URLs)
* `gitea_start_ssh`: Do you want to start a built-in SSH server ? (true/false)
* `gitea_ssh_port`: SSH bind port
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).
### Database configuration
* `gitea_db_type`: Database type, can be `mysql`, `postgres` or `sqlite3`
* `gitea_db_host`: Database host string `host:port` or `/run/postgresql/` when connectiong to postgres via local unix socket (peer authentication)
* `gitea_db_name`: Database name
* `gitea_db_user`: Database username
* `gitea_db_password`: Database password
* `gitea_db_ssl`: Use SSL ? (postgres only!). Can be `require`, `disable`, `verify-ca` or `verify-full`
* `gitea_db_path`: DB path, if you use `sqlite3`. The default is good enough to work though.
### Mailer configuration
* `gitea_mailer_enabled`: Whether to enable the mailer. Default: `false`
* `gitea_mailer_type`: Type of Mailer (smtp)
* `gitea_mailer_skip_verify`: Skip SMTP TLS certificate verification (true/false)
* `gitea_mailer_tls_enabled`: Enable TLS for SMTP connections (true/false)
* `gitea_mailer_host`: SMTP server hostname and port
* `gitea_mailer_user`: SMTP server username
* `gitea_mailer_password`: SMTP server password
* `gitea_mailer_from`: Sender mail address
* `gitea_enable_notify_mail`: Whether e-mail should be send to watchers of a repository when something happens. Default: `false`
* `gitea_mail_default`: Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disable (Default: `onmention` )
* `gitea_autowatch_new_repo`: Enable this to let all organisation users watch new repos when they are created (Default: `false`)
* `gitea_autowatch_on_change`: Enable this to make users watch a repository after their first commit to it (Default: `true`)
* `gitea_show_mailstones_dashboard`: Enable this to show the milestones dashboard page - a view of all the users milestones (Default: `true`)
### Oauth2 provider configuration
* `gitea_oauth2_enabled`: Enable the Oauth2 provider (true/false)
* `gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret`: Oauth2 JWT secret. Can be generated with ``gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET``
### GIT LFS configuration
* `gitea_lfs_server_enabled`: Enable GIT LFS (large filesystem)
* `gitea_lfs_secret`: JWT secret for remote LFS usage
### Metrics endpoint configuration
* `gitea_metrics_enabled`: Enable the metrics endpoint
* `gitea_metrics_token`: Bearer token for the Prometheus scrape job
## Log configuration
* `gitea_log_level`; Log Level. Can be `Trace`, `Debug`, `Info`, `Warn`, `Èrror`, `Critical` (Default: `Info`)
### Repository Indexer configuration
* `gitea_repo_indexer_enabled`: Whether to enable the repository indexer (code search). Default: `false`
* `gitea_repo_indexer_include`: Glob patterns to include in the index (comma-separated list). Default: `""` (all files)
* `gitea_repo_indexer_exclude`: Glob patterns to exclude from the index (comma-separated list). Default: `""` (no files)
* `gitea_repo_exclude_vendored`: Exclude vendored files from the index. Default: `true`
* `gitea_repo_indexer_max_file_size`: Maximum size of files to be indexed (in bytes). Default: `1048576` (1 MB)
### backup on upgrade
* `gitea_backup_on_upgrade`: Optionally a backup can be created with every update of gitea. Default: `false`
* `gitea_backup_location`: Where to store the gitea backup if one is created with this role. Default: `{{ gitea_home }}/backups/`

ansible.cfg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
roles_path: ./../

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@ -1,2 +1,106 @@
# defaults file for role-gitea
# General
gitea_version_check: true
gitea_version: "1.17.3"
gitea_user: "gitea"
gitea_group: "gitea"
gitea_home: "/var/lib/gitea"
gitea_dl_url: "{{ gitea_version }}/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}-linux-{{ gitea_arch }}"
gitea_systemd_cap_net_bind_service: false
gitea_extra_config: ""
# Look and feel
gitea_app_name: "Gitea"
gitea_show_user_email: false
gitea_disable_gravatar: true
gitea_offline_mode: true
gitea_disable_registration: false
gitea_only_allow_external_registration: false
gitea_show_registration_button: true
gitea_require_signin: true
gitea_enable_captcha: true
gitea_themes: auto,gitea,arc-green #TODO install external themes
gitea_theme_default: auto
# Security
gitea_secret_key: T0pS3cr31
gitea_internal_token: SomethingVeryLong
gitea_disable_git_hooks: true
# Limits
gitea_user_repo_limit: -1
gitea_force_private: false
# HTTP Config
gitea_http_domain: localhost
gitea_root_url: http://localhost:3000
gitea_protocol: http
gitea_http_port: 3000
gitea_disable_http_git: false
# SSH Config
gitea_ssh_domain: localhost
gitea_start_ssh: true
gitea_ssh_port: 2222
# Database
gitea_db_type: sqlite3
gitea_db_name: root
gitea_db_user: gitea
gitea_db_password: lel
gitea_db_ssl: disable
gitea_db_path: "{{ gitea_home }}/data/gitea.db"
# Mail Config
gitea_mailer_enabled: false
gitea_mailer_type: smtp
gitea_mailer_skip_verify: false
gitea_mailer_tls_enabled: true
gitea_mailer_host: localhost:25
gitea_mailer_user: ""
gitea_mailer_password: ""
gitea_mailer_from: noreply@your.domain
gitea_enable_notify_mail: false
gitea_mail_default: onmention
gitea_autowatch_new_repo: false
gitea_autowatch_on_change: true
gitea_show_mailstones_dashboard: true
# Oauth provider config
gitea_oauth2_enabled: true
gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret: ''
# GIT LFS config
gitea_lfs_server_enabled: false
gitea_lfs_secret: SomethingVeryLong
gitea_lfs_content_path: "{{ gitea_home }}/data/lfs"
# Metrics endpoint config
gitea_metrics_enabled: false
gitea_metrics_token: ~
# Logs
gitea_log_level: Info
# Repo indexer config
gitea_repo_indexer_enabled: false
gitea_repo_indexer_include: ""
gitea_repo_indexer_exclude: ""
gitea_repo_exclude_vendored: true
gitea_repo_indexer_max_file_size: 1048576
# Backup on upgrade
gitea_backup_on_upgrade: true
gitea_backup_location: "{{ gitea_home }}/backups/"
# Other
gitea_gpg_key: "7C9E68152594688862D62AF62D9AE806EC1592E2"
gitea_gpg_server: "hkps://"
gitea_repository_root: "{{ gitea_home }}"

View File

@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
# handlers file for role-gitea
- name: "Restart gitea"
name: gitea
state: restarted
when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"
- name: "Reload systemd"
daemon_reload: true
when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"

View File

@ -1,52 +1,23 @@
author: your name
description: your role description
company: your company (optional)
author: Lennard Brinkhaus
description: Install and manage a Gitea instance
company: DragSE
# If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
# next line and provide a value
# issue_tracker_url:
# Choose a valid license ID from - some suggested licenses:
# - BSD-3-Clause (default)
# - MIT
# - GPL-2.0-or-later
# - GPL-3.0-only
# - Apache-2.0
# - CC-BY-4.0
license: license (GPL-2.0-or-later, MIT, etc)
min_ansible_version: 2.1
# If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
# min_ansible_container_version:
- name: Debian
- all
- name: Ubuntu
- all
# Provide a list of supported platforms, and for each platform a list of versions.
# If you don't wish to enumerate all versions for a particular platform, use 'all'.
# To view available platforms and versions (or releases), visit:
# platforms:
# - name: Fedora
# versions:
# - all
# - 25
# - name: SomePlatform
# versions:
# - all
# - 1.0
# - 7
# - 99.99
galaxy_tags: []
# List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
# and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
# remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
# NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
# Maximum 20 tags per role.
- gitea
dependencies: []
# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
# if you add dependencies to this list.

tasks/backup.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- name: Get service facts
- block:
- name: Stopping gitea before upgrade
name: gitea
state: stopped
- name: "Create backup directory"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ gitea_user }}"
group: "{{ gitea_group }}"
mode: 'u=rwx,g=rx,o='
- "{{ gitea_backup_location }}"
- name: Backing up gitea before upgrade
cmd: "/usr/local/bin/gitea dump -c /etc/gitea/gitea.ini"
chdir: "{{ gitea_backup_location }}"
become: true
become_user: "{{ gitea_user }}"
-["gitea.service"] is defined
-["gitea.service"].state == "running"
- gitea_active_version.stdout != gitea_version

tasks/create_user.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- name: "Create Gitea Group"
name: "{{ gitea_group }}"
system: true
state: "present"
- name: "Create Gitea user"
name: "{{ gitea_user }}"
comment: "Gitea user"
home: "{{ gitea_home }}"
shell: "/bin/false"
system: true

tasks/install.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
- block:
- name: Update apt cache
cache_valid_time: 3600
update_cache: true
register: _pre_update_apt_cache
until: _pre_update_apt_cache is succeeded
- ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
- name: Install dependencies
name: "{{ gitea_dependencies }}"
state: present
register: _install_dep_packages
until: _install_dep_packages is succeeded
retries: 5
delay: 2
- block:
- include_tasks: backup.yml
- name: Download gitea archive
url: "{{ gitea_dl_url }}.xz"
dest: "/tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}.xz"
checksum: "sha256:{{ gitea_dl_url }}.xz.sha256"
register: _download_archive
until: _download_archive is succeeded
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: Download gitea asc file
url: "{{ gitea_dl_url }}.xz.asc"
dest: "/tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}.xz.asc"
register: _download_asc
until: _download_asc is succeeded
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: Check gitea gpg key
command: "gpg --list-keys 0x{{ gitea_gpg_key }}"
register: _gitea_gpg_key_status
changed_when: false
failed_when: _gitea_gpg_key_status.rc not in (0, 2)
- name: Import gitea gpg key
command: "gpg --keyserver {{ gitea_gpg_server }} --recv {{ gitea_gpg_key }}"
register: _gitea_import_key
changed_when: '"imported: 1" in _gitea_import_key.stderr'
when: _gitea_gpg_key_status.rc != 0
- name: Check archive signature
command: "gpg --verify /tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}.xz.asc /tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}.xz"
changed_when: false
- name: Unpack gitea binary
cmd: "xz -k -d /tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}.xz"
creates: "/tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}"
- name: Propagate gitea binary
src: "/tmp/gitea-{{ gitea_version }}.linux-{{ gitea_arch }}"
remote_src: true
dest: "/usr/local/bin/gitea"
mode: 0755
owner: root
group: root
notify: "Restart gitea"
when: (not gitea_version_check|bool) or (gitea_active_version.stdout != gitea_version)

tasks/install_systemd.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
- name: "Setup systemd service"
src: gitea.service.j2
dest: /lib/systemd/system/gitea.service
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- "Reload systemd"
- "Restart gitea"
# systemd to be reloaded the first time because
# it is the only way Systemd is going to be aware of the new unit file.
- name: "Reload systemd"
daemon_reload: true

tasks/jwt_secrets.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
- name: generate OAuth2 JWT_SECRET if not provided
become: true
shell: 'umask 077; /usr/local/bin/gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET > /etc/gitea/gitea_oauth_jwt_secret'
creates: '/etc/gitea/gitea_oauth_jwt_secret'
when: gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret | length == 0
- name: read OAuth2 JWT_SECRET from file
become: true
src: '/etc/gitea/gitea_oauth_jwt_secret'
register: oauth_jwt_secret
when: gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret | length == 0
- name: set fact gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret
gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret: "{{ oauth_jwt_secret['content'] | b64decode }}"
when: gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret | length == 0
- name: generate LFS JWT_SECRET if not provided
become: true
shell: 'umask 077; /usr/local/bin/gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET > /etc/gitea/gitea_lfs_jwt_secret'
creates: '/etc/gitea/gitea_lfs_jwt_secret'
when: gitea_lfs_secret | length == 0
- name: read LFS JWT_SECRET from file
become: true
src: '/etc/gitea/gitea_lfs_jwt_secret'
register: lfs_jwt_secret
when: gitea_lfs_secret | length == 0
- name: set fact gitea_lfs_secret
gitea_lfs_jwt_secret: "{{ lfs_jwt_secret['content'] | b64decode }}"
when: gitea_lfs_secret | length == 0

View File

@ -1,2 +1,71 @@
# tasks file for role-gitea
- name: Gather variables for each operating system
include_vars: "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- name: "Check gitea version" "set -eo pipefail; /usr/local/bin/gitea -v | cut -d' ' -f 3"
executable: /bin/bash
register: gitea_active_version
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
when: gitea_version_check|bool
- include_tasks: create_user.yml
- include_tasks: install.yml
- name: "Create config and data directory"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ gitea_user }}"
group: "{{ gitea_group }}"
mode: '0755'
- "/etc/gitea"
- name: "Create data directory"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ gitea_user }}"
group: "{{ gitea_group }}"
mode: 'u=rwX,g=rX,o='
recurse: true
- "{{ gitea_home }}"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/data"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/custom"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/custom/https"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/custom/mailer"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/indexers"
- "{{ gitea_home }}/log"
- "{{ gitea_repository_root }}"
- include_tasks: install_systemd.yml
when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"
- include_tasks: jwt_secrets.yml
- name: 'Install git'
name: 'git'
state: 'present'
- name: "Configure gitea"
src: gitea.ini.j2
dest: /etc/gitea/gitea.ini
owner: "{{ gitea_user }}"
group: "{{ gitea_group }}"
mode: 0600
notify: "Restart gitea"
- name: "Service gitea"
name: gitea
state: started
enabled: true
when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"

templates/gitea.ini.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
; this file is the configuration of your local gitea instance
; {{ ansible_managed }}
; This file overwrites the default values from gitea.
; undefined variables will use the default value from gitea.
; Cheat Sheet:
; App name that shows on every page title
APP_NAME = {{ gitea_app_name }}
; Change it if you run locally
RUN_USER = {{ gitea_user }}
; Either "dev", "prod" or "test", default is "dev"
RUN_MODE = prod
ROOT = {{ gitea_repository_root }}
; Force every new repository to be private
FORCE_PRIVATE = {{ gitea_force_private | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Global limit of repositories per user, applied at creation time. -1 means no limit
MAX_CREATION_LIMIT = {{ gitea_user_repo_limit }}
; Mirror sync queue length, increase if mirror syncing starts hanging
; Disable the ability to interact with repositories using the HTTP protocol
DISABLE_HTTP_GIT = {{ gitea_disable_http_git | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page
SHOW_USER_EMAIL = {{ gitea_show_user_email | ternary('true', 'false') }}
THEMES = {{ gitea_themes }}
DEFAULT_THEME = {{ gitea_theme_default }}
; The protocol the server listens on. One of 'http', 'https', 'unix' or 'fcgi'.
PROTOCOL = {{ gitea_protocol }}
DOMAIN = {{ gitea_http_domain }}
ROOT_URL = {{ gitea_root_url }}
; The address to listen on. Either a IPv4/IPv6 address or the path to a unix socket.
HTTP_ADDR = {{ gitea_http_listen }}
HTTP_PORT = {{ gitea_http_port }}
; Disable SSH feature when not available
; Whether to use the builtin SSH server or not.
START_SSH_SERVER = {{ gitea_start_ssh | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Domain name to be exposed in clone URL
SSH_DOMAIN = {{ gitea_ssh_domain }}
; The network interface the builtin SSH server should listen on
SSH_LISTEN_HOST = {{ gitea_ssh_listen }}
; Port number to be exposed in clone URL
SSH_PORT = {{ gitea_ssh_port }}
; The port number the builtin SSH server should listen on
; Disable CDN even in "prod" mode
OFFLINE_MODE = {{ gitea_offline_mode | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Default path for App data
APP_DATA_PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/data
{% if gitea_lfs_server_enabled | bool -%}
;Enables git-lfs support.
; Where to store LFS files.
LFS_CONTENT_PATH = {{ gitea_lfs_content_path }}
; LFS authentication secret
LFS_JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_lfs_secret }}
{% endif %}
; Either "mysql", "postgres", "mssql" or "sqlite3", it's your choice
DB_TYPE = {{ gitea_db_type }}
HOST = {{ gitea_db_host }}
NAME = {{ gitea_db_name }}
USER = {{ gitea_db_user }}
; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
PASSWD = {{ gitea_db_password }}
; For Postgres, either "disable" (default), "require", "verify-ca" or "verify-full"
; For MySQL, either "false" (default), "true", or "skip-verify"
SSL_MODE = {{ gitea_db_ssl }}
; For "sqlite3" and "tidb", use an absolute path when you start gitea as service
PATH = {{ gitea_db_path }}
; Issue indexer storage path, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is bleve
ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/indexers/issues.bleve
; Issue indexer queue, currently support: channel or levelqueue, default is levelqueue
; When ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE is levelqueue, this will be the queue will be saved path,
; default is indexers/issues.queue
ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR = {{ gitea_home }}/indexers/issues.queue
; repo indexer by default disabled, since it uses a lot of disk space
REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED = {{ gitea_repo_indexer_enabled }}
REPO_INDEXER_PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/indexers/repos.bleve
REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE = {{ gitea_repo_indexer_include }}
REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE = {{ gitea_repo_indexer_exclude }}
REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE_VENDORED = {{ gitea_repo_exclude_vendored }}
MAX_FILE_SIZE = {{ gitea_repo_indexer_max_file_size }}
; Whether the installer is disabled
SECRET_KEY = {{ gitea_secret_key }}
INTERNAL_TOKEN = {{ gitea_internal_token }}
; How long to remember that an user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days)
DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS = {{ gitea_disable_git_hooks | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Disallow registration, only allow admins to create accounts.
DISABLE_REGISTRATION = {{ gitea_disable_registration }}
; User must sign in to view anything.
REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = {{ gitea_require_signin | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Enable captcha validation for registration
ENABLE_CAPTCHA = {{ gitea_enable_captcha | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Type of captcha you want to use. Options: image, recaptcha
; Enable recaptcha to use Google's recaptcha service
; Go to to sign up for a key
; Show Registration button
SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = {{ gitea_show_registration_button }}
ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = {{ gitea_only_allow_external_registration }}
ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = {{ gitea_enable_notify_mail }}
DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS = {{ gitea_mail_default }}
AUTO_WATCH_NEW_REPOS = {{ gitea_autowatch_new_repo }}
AUTO_WATCH_ON_CHANGES = {{ gitea_autowatch_on_change }}
SHOW_MILESTONES_DASHBOARD_PAGE = {{ gitea_show_mailstones_dashboard }}
ENABLED = {{ gitea_mailer_enabled | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Mail server
; Gmail:
; QQ:
; Note, if the port ends with "465", SMTPS will be used. Using STARTTLS on port 587 is recommended per RFC 6409. If the server supports STARTTLS it will always be used.
HOST = {{ gitea_mailer_host }}
; Do not verify the certificate of the server. Only use this for self-signed certificates
SKIP_VERIFY = {{ gitea_mailer_skip_verify }}
; Use client certificate
CERT_FILE = {{ gitea_home }}/custom/mailer/cert.pem
KEY_FILE = {{ gitea_home }}/custom/mailer/key.pem
; Should SMTP connection use TLS
IS_TLS_ENABLED = {{ gitea_mailer_tls_enabled | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the `"Name" <>` format
FROM = {{ gitea_mailer_from }}
; Mailer user name and password
USER = {{ gitea_mailer_user }}
; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
PASSWD = {{ gitea_mailer_password }}
; Send mails as plain text
; Set Mailer Type (either SMTP, sendmail or dummy to just send to the log)
MAILER_TYPE = {{ gitea_mailer_type }}
; Specify an alternative sendmail binary
SENDMAIL_PATH = sendmail
; Either "memory", "file", or "redis", default is "memory"
; Provider config options
; memory: doesn't have any config yet
; file: session file path, e.g. `data/sessions`
; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180
; mysql: go-sql-driver/mysql dsn config string, e.g. `root:password@/session_table`
PROVIDER_CONFIG = {{ gitea_home }}/data/sessions
AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/data/avatars
; This value will always be true in offline mode.
DISABLE_GRAVATAR = {{ gitea_disable_gravatar | ternary('true', 'false') }}
; Whether attachments are enabled. Defaults to `true`
ENABLED = true
; Path for attachments. Defaults to `data/attachments`
PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/data/attachments
ROOT_PATH = {{ gitea_home }}/log
; Either "console", "file", "conn", "smtp" or "database", default is "console"
; Use comma to separate multiple modes, e.g. "console, file"
MODE = file
; Buffer length of the channel, keep it as it is if you don't know what it is.
BUFFER_LEN = 10000
; Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical", default is "Trace"
LEVEL = {{ gitea_log_level }}
ENABLE = {{ gitea_oauth2_enabled }}
JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret }}
ENABLED = {{ gitea_metrics_enabled }}
TOKEN = {{ gitea_metrics_token }}
{{ gitea_extra_config }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Example at
Description=Gitea (Git with a cup of tea)
User={{ gitea_user }}
Group={{ gitea_group }}
WorkingDirectory={{ gitea_home }}
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web -c /etc/gitea/gitea.ini
{% if gitea_systemd_cap_net_bind_service %}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
- hosts: localhost
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
- role-gitea
gitea_version: "1.18.0-rc1"

vars/debian.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- git
- gnupg2
- xz-utils

View File

@ -1,2 +1,10 @@
# vars file for role-gitea
i386: '386'
x86_64: 'amd64'
aarch64: 'arm64'
armv7l: 'arm-6'
armv6l: 'arm-6'
armv5l: 'arm-5'
gitea_arch: "{{ gitea_go_arch_map[ansible_architecture] | default(ansible_architecture) }}"