Caddy Role ========= A role to install and manage caddy ## Config ### General * `caddy_version_check`: Check if installed version != `caddy_version` before initiating binary download (true/false) * `caddy_version`: The Caddy-Version you want to install * `caddy_user`: UNIX user used by Caddy (default: caddy) * `caddy_group`: UNIX group used by Caddy (default: caddy) * `caddy_home`: Base directory to work (default: /var/lib/caddy) * `caddy_dl_url`: The URL, the compiled caddy-binary will be downloaded from * `caddy_dl_url_checksum`: The URL, the checksums will be installed from ### Caddyfile * ``: Enabled the Debug mode and set the log level to DEBUG (true/false) * ``: HTTP Port from Caddy (default: 80) * ``: HTTPS Port from Caddy (default: 443) * ``: Set the global ACME Issuer (acme/zerossl) * ``: Set the token for the global issuer. Required if issuer is `zerossl` * ``: The email-address used while generating https certificates * ``: The Provider used if you want to use dns-challenge. (Example: cloudflare) * ``: The Provider-Token used if you want to use dns-challenge